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As the doctors looks on waiting for an answer,the Shuklahs remember how it all started and happened. The story 2 hours ago......

Vikram:(is on the phone talking to someone in the car)Yes, i know but u  promised to come back today, ha,ofcourse your lovely mother is always worried....look ,she is even looking at me like am to be buried today.(Meera who is on the passenger seat grabs the phone)

Meera:Hello Beta,you can't possibly stop me from worrying am your mother after all,...anyway just come back quickly and Safely ouk ....yes..yes..and don't u dare forget my Sari or else get lost if u forget...u know am joking (Vikram who is listening looks at her and smiles)Ouk bye see u soon.

Meera:(looks at the mirror behind) Why are you so quiet behind there,every time u keep quite ,u are planning some masti.....

Zayn:Don't worry mum,we have not planned anything this time round,right  Venraj.....

Venraj:Yes ,except that we are only going to go sky diving....(Zayn looks at him shockingly and knocks on his head)

Kiara/Amara:(both laugh loudly at Venraj's stupidity)

Zayn:Man, Venraj,you can never keep a secret,next time am doing on my own terms.(hits Venraj's head again)

Venraj:Hey don't forget am older than you (Zayn makes a face and mimics Venraj's voice)

Meera:Ouk stop the fighting boys don't forget we are in the car too,and what do mean by sky duving..hee ,is it also dangerous?(Zayn,Amara,Kiara and Venraj all started laughing)

Amara:Oh my God mum,Its Sky Diving not sky duvimg.(they all laugh again)

Meera:Ouk what ever it is,but what is it,and why did u want to keep it a secret.(The kids look at each other and Zayn signals Amara to keep quite with  a i will kill you wala look if u talk)

Amara:Mum,you are so old fashioned,Sky diving is just.....(she looks  at Zayn,Zayn makes a begging face)Its like table tennis ,its just that the balls fly in the sky.

Meera:Kids,you know u can do whatever you want as long as you don't get  hurt. Lets enjoy this family day together.

Vikram:I think we are here(they all look outside)

Kiara:Finally!!(They all get out of the   car)

Vikram:(looks at the kids taking pictures) Boys are really gona let us carry these alone,come here and help us with the tents

Kiara:U shld tell them,they think they came here to to chill.

Meera:You too, You should come here and carry do u also think i will let u do nothing.(Amara and Kiara move on sadly at the back of the car)

They carry their tents and set everything.Then Amara starts to complain.

Amara:On my god dad,there are a lot of insects here,ouch.....u could have brought the spray, dad i told u(Zayn and Venraj laugh at her childishness)

Vikram:But why wont the insects feed on you when ur wearing lyk that(looks at her bare legs with a very mini trouser)Atleast wear something long and decent

Zayn:Dad you shld let her be ,She thought were coming to some minor park but its the Jungle here,u shouldn't even give her your credit card anymore . Look at the clothes she buys with ur money.(Him and Arjuna laugh while setting up the tent)

Amara:Shut up Zayn(she looks at him angrily and Zayn makes a face with his tongue)

Me era:Zayn u should not make fun of ur sister.

Amara:Goes to search for the internet with Nandini.

Vikram:Look at how grown our kids are ,i cant believe they are the same kids i used to play with,the ones that got me running around the house and painted my face every morning.(Both remember the kids' masti when they were young)

Meera:(looks at Zayn and Venraj happily tying up the tent,and at Amara holding her phone upwards looking for the internet)Thank you Vikram,

Vikram:For what My love?

Meera:For accepting to come on this family day although you had a busy schedule,It helps us on our relationship with the kids.So thank u

Vikram:(hugs her and kisses her forehead)You know i only listen to u and whatever u say i will listen to u and am to do anything to make the kids happy.(Thats when suddenly, they hear  Amara scream for Vikram and they both look in her direction)

Amara:Baba,babaaa....,baba please come (Vikram and the rest run to where she is standing)

Zayn:Amara,what happened,are u ouk ,whats wrong......

Vikram:(comes near her and and makes her face him)Amara,beta whats wrong what.......(she points at the top of the trees where a cliff was seen)Where they are standing is a lower ground and the place looks forested and cliffy,At the top where she points a body is seen being kicked and it rolls down the cliff,they all look on shocked and surprised)

Venraj:oh my god is that a person grand pa,we should help him now

The rolling person is revealed with multiple wounds,cuts on his body ,but tears are rolling from his eyes,and he screams Bawri at intervals,its nOn other than VPS,finally he reaches on the lower grounds but hits his head on a rock,making him loose a lot of blood.

The family members rush to his aid and Zayn lifts him on his laps

Zayn:Dad its a man,he is bleeding a lot ,some one call for the ambulance

Vikram:(Calls the paramedics) Hullo ,we need the ambulance now its....

Meera:Venraj ,go start the car,the ambulance may not come in time,hurry he has lost a lot of blood.(Vikram and Zayn are seen carrying VPS to the car as Amara and Kiara are in tears,VPS is seen holding a necklace tightly in his hands with blood coming out of all over his body)

Vikram:I will drive,Zayn come with me and Meera and the rest ,you can come in the second car with the guards,find us at the hospital.(and so Vikram starts the car and drives off as the rest follow in the car behind)

Flashback ends......
Doctor:Am so sorry of i asked at the wrong time,but we will need you Mr.Vikram to sign some patient papers and may be a relative is needed.

The family members look at each other  and Meera nods her head to Vikram

Vikram:I will sign them where am i to go?
Doctor:This way please.

The woman who was praying at the temple is also being rushed to the same  hospital on a stretcher and the doctor who was talking with Vikram is once again called.

Nurse:Excuse me doctor ,there is another patient in need of your help now .

Doctor:Mr.Khan,you will have to excuse me but those are the papers you need to sign on.(And so the doctor rushes to the emergency)

The woman's face is revealed and its Purvi,meanwhile Vikram reaches on the part that asks for the relationship with the patient and looks on worriedly,In another part a man is seen calling out to Diya to come quickly plane might leave them .Virendra is seen being transfered.

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