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Two cars are seen moving gently on the main road,inside a man is seen seated ,with a a shining Schaffhausen watch on his right wrist,a nice diamond bracelet ,aviator glasses,calmly seated with the driver in action and another man who could be the guard at the passenger seat,another Dark black Hyundai Elantra benz follows behind the car he's seated in ,its a V8 Bentley flying spur ,he seems to be from a well off family with the looks ,suddenly the phone breaks the silence.


Bodyguard:Sir,aapka phone

Man:(holds the phone,with a name saved as Meri sweetheart.)(in a very calm but husky touching voice he calls.)Hullo.

On the phone:Really Harsith


On the phone:oh no ..no.no..this is like the fifth party so far,what's wrong with you on ditching parties.

Harsith:How many times do I have to tell you Anika, continue to tell you, me aur parties ,we don't connect ,AM NOT A PARTY GUY. Especially when alcohol is involved ,one glass is enough ,Only Kanhaji knows what happens when I take more than two,so am sorry sweetheart.
So tell me how was the party.

Anika:The party went well,its just that you were the missing part,everyone was eager to see the most handsome second son of the Shuklah family, we were so disappointed especially me ,I looked like a fool starring at the door ,u promised.

Harsith: (Apologetic tone)Am...soo..sorry sweetheart(The bodyguard listens to his boss's apologetic tone and smiles off)I will make it up to you ,what do u want me to do.

Anika:Will u do whatever?

Harsith:Whatever you say sweetheart.

Anika:well am gona make you do a lot honey,just wait for it.

As the two cars are moving , an old man pushing a big cart is stuck because one wheel is punctured ,the driver gets shocked and jerks the car at a stop,most people are laughing and abusing off the old man he tries to push the cart but he is unable,due to the sudden stop,The man in the car known as Harsith gets jerked forward.

Harsith:(abit angry)Hey,mansoor what happened ,why did you stop the car.

Mansoor:well sir there is an old man into the road(To the old man)Hey old rag,can u get ur thing off the road looser

Harsith: (Angry)Hey Mansoor!!!! Stop,no one is successful at the beginning,remember that,u too were once a loser but got a decent job where u wear a suit and tie ,don't forget ur roots,and don't ever under look people like that u are up ,u might be down tomorrow don't forget that.

Mansoor:Am so....am soory Mr.Khan

Anika:(impressed)Aree..waaah..Harsith, nice talk,did u forget I was still on the line?

Harsith:Nayi,Anika I haven't forgotten, ek minute( he cuts the call.)

Anika:wait ....wait....Har.....

Harsith:(to the body guard)Go check whats happening.

The body guard gets out and checks on the old man's cart ,he notices its punctured with two big sacks on it but no one is helping him,the other guards in the second car also get out see what is happening. The guard comes and reports it to Harsith,

Harsith:Am getting out.

Guard:Nayi..Nayi sir it might be dangerous sir ,please stay in we will handle it

Guards:Yes sir ,please stay In.

Harsith: Are u all serious, an old man who could be ur father's age is trapped in the middle of the road with no help and u expect Me to stay seated ,Nayi,that's not me.

He opens the door ,steps out his one shiny black Allen Iverson edmond shoe on the road,he gets out and removes his black slim fit suit jacket and glasses,hands them to the guards and folds his sleeves,he moves towards the old man

Harsith:May I....(the old man with half teeth smiles at him,he gets hold onto the cart and the two push it slowly , the women on the sides look at him admiringly, he flenges his muscles and some widen their mouths,the cart rejects for a couple of minutes but with Harsith's power,they manage to push it to the side,and the other cars start moving,
Women:He is so strong......how can someone be that handsome,rich and kind hearted......where did such men go......oh my god I can't believe he pushed that alone..(one woman slaps her husband's shoulder and tells him how selfish he is ,why he can't be like such a man).

Old man:Thank you so much beta

Harsith:Your welcome uncle(he tries to move but the old man calls him)

Old man:beta.....I can see pain in your eyes,suffering and hatred,I can also see separation,it's hard to find young handsome rich kind hearted sons like you my child and since you have helped me when everyone was hesitating I pray to God that that heart that is yearning to find something one day is answered and u find true happiness again.

With these words Harsith's eyes get filled with tears ,he bends down and takes the old man's blessings in a very sad tone as the clouds release the rain

Old man:Bless you my child,but what is ur name?

Harsith:(boldly and proudly) HARSITH..,HARSITH SHUKLAH KHAN.(Thunder blows and his face is revealed, Virendra,but now known as Harsith shuklah khan,nothing is changed about him,still kind hearted aura present,kingly gestures but no mustache, hair is treamed, falling at the front and treamed in the sides,well shaved jawline and beard off,tall as always but looking more manly and responsible in a suit he is Harsith,every Delhi woman's dream husband.)

Old man:Bless you my son.

Harsith:Uncle ji,please take this,accept it,it will help u fix your cart's one tyre.

Woman:He is a Shuklah..oh my God ,he is so handsome

Another man:Shuklah??? what do u mean?

Woman:u don't know the richest family here in Delhi,the ones that own Shuklah Enterprises everyone knows them, they have appeared in every magazine and newspaper, oh my God I wish he was my husband

Harsith,all dripped in rain ,his bodyguards come to his aid with an umbrella and help him off,he folds his hands with tears in his eyes infront of the old man who smiles and folds back ,he heads for his car as every one is just awstruck by his gentleness,they open it and he takes his seat,the two cars drive off as the old man waves back.

Inside the car.
Mansoor:Towel sir(hands it to him), I must say sir ,everyone is proud of what you have just done ,beside coming from a reknown family,u also have a good heart, i wish i was like u,am lucky to be working for u

Guard:hah..sir ..me too

Harsith:Thanks guys.

Harsith's POV:Every one wishes that they can be me,want to be like me,admire me a lot,want to have the Shuklah name,fame and power when I wish I am not them,if I can throw them away because of the much attention they bring, deep down i have secrets ,hurts,and pains i want to overcome,nightmares that haunt me every night,I don't understand what people see in me ,am just me,all of this is just fake,its all lies ,I know am to loose them eventually one day because they were just given to me for a short while,I am eventually one day going to go back to my old life, and all of this will go away,But ,I don't even know who I was,who I am ,what kind of person I was in the past,I can't seem to recall,may be I was a very bad man,or poor,or anything,or with a wife,bacho,family waiting for me ,all these are questions I need answers to ,but I can't find them because my family failed to find me and I failed them too,I don't even know why I was being hunted to be murdered ,I can't remember anything, I can't,Hey kanhaji please help me find my family,deep down I want to know who I was. GOD WHO AM I.

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