EPISODE 17.(the Miracle).

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Inside the city hospital, in the Labour ward, a woman is seen on the bed, legs wide open, as she pushes the baby out, the doctor with a mask on her face holds it in her hands, and smiles, she pinches it but the baby does not respond "its not crying" the doctor tells the other, the other doctor extends and checks its heartbeat. "Its not breathing normally, I don't hear any heartbeat, we need to take it to the machine now" the two doctors tell each other. "what happened to my child the woman asks" Doctor she calls out for the doctors .. "ma'am, your child did not cry and is not breathing normally" one of the nurse tells her. She becomes shocked and screams for her child she is tensed and tears flowing out her eyes, she becomes uncontrollable and the nurses try to calm her down but she is in no mood to. "Mere bacha is the only word from her mouth.

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Purvi opens her eyes with a jerk, sweat is clearly seen on her face filled with concern and fear. She holds the carrier next to her at the behind seat of the moving car so tightly like her entire life depends on it. She looks inside and two babies are seen, unknown of their gender she holds on to them so tightly. Whoever they might be hold a very big place in her heart and that fear of loosing them is the greatest nightmare she has ever encountered, she has been in what could be a memory of the past of one  of her encounters. Are they for a friend no, Purvi barely had any friends after her marriage with VIRENDRA, are they for a close relative, no? Purvi has only Sudha, her mom, Anjali, Yoghi, the kids and Mama sarkar with her little brother now as her close one's and they can't possibly be theirs.The possibilities that purvi could give birth had been shattered a long time ago after her miscourage with what could have been Manas' saviour so how could she be able.The babies look at her and smile, she smiles back sweetly at them.. She looks out the window and takes in a deep breath as she thinks.. "Purvi it's alright, she might not be related to them by blood but she is still part of their life, and so what you are doing is only right, you are simply taking them to see their family member.If he were here he would have done the same, but why do I feel insecure about seeing her this time, I have been visiting her every Sunday she continues to ask her self and comes back to sense when the driver tells her they are here.

The word city jail is seen on a gate, they open the gate  and the two cars arrive in, park and purvi is opened for, she carries out the baby carrier and sits it in the roller, with two guards holding what could be fruits and tiffins, they begin to move inside with purvi pushing the babies and feeling a bit uneasy as if going  into war.

Inside the Shuklah enterprises.
Vihan calls some one on the phone who is seated at the front counter.

"ha hullo, sapal, send me the kapoor papers regarding his hotel, I need to look into it. Vihan tells the secretary.

" wo,! Sir, Mr. Harsith has already handled the deal and settled the contract with Mr. Kapoor himself. Sapal a young man in his 20s tells Vihan.

" what!!! Harsith,... "he touches in his hair and breathes in" thik send me the details of the meeting on how it went, and the copy of the contract.! HARSITH!!!!! he says his name while he leans on the table and cuts the call.

The papers are brought in by sapal and he hands them to him reluctantly, Vihan grabs them with the contract. With the word Shuklah enterprises on top, he starts to read through, while at the middle his face changes from anger to fury, he goes through all the papers and the more furious he gets, throws the papers to sapal. "what nonsense is this,...." Vihan asks a scared and speechless sapal. "wo, sir,... Its... Its the papers of the meeting of Mr. Harsith and Mr. Kapoor. A scared sapal answers his furious boss." yes I know its the contract, demn it, but who came to the agreement with this nonsense "He furiously asks again." sir, its... Its. Mr. Harsith sir. Sapal replies. "HARSITHHH!!!!" he says his name loudly enough for others outside to hear.
Sapal to himself "There is going to be bloodshed today, I hope I don't lose my job instead this time.". Vihan angrily gets out the office and heads for the parking to the direction on their home.

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