EPISODE 14(Past part one)

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Sudha is in the classroom but her concentration is at Zero "You are welcome" she remembers how that man replied to her,"Can he,no..no..Sudha he is dead ,stop imagining things "she tells to her self
" But two people could not possibly have the same voice,can they". She is still lost in her own thoughts when the teacher notices her,she walks right next to her as Sudha is holding her pen to her forehead in her world,her teacher shakes her head disappointingly,she decides to bang on her desk....Sudha looks there with a jerk,"It seems I have interrupted your beautiful dream,right Mrs.Sudha.?"Her teacher asks her."Nayi mam,she replies and looks straight back to her book as her teacher finds her way back to the front."Whatever it is ,I really have to inform Purvi ,but wait Sudha..If I tell her then I will be agreeing with her imaginary thought that he is still alive...but what ever it is I must tell her at any cost"She advises her self as she sneakily finds her way out of the classroom as some students smile at her behavior.

At the office
Arjun is seated in the chair on his phone but taking glances at Vihan who is continuously unsettled with a phone on his ear walking to and fro in the room"Pick up demn it "he shouts.at the phone"Arjun nods his head and smiles" You know they can't hear you unless they pick up,so stop taking your frustration on the phone"Arjun informs him,Vihan looks at him with a"you better shut it,or you won't like it face"Arjun looks at him and raises his hands in defence.Luckily the people he is calling.pick up.,The phone rings at a News arena where different individuals are seen carrying out news actives,big piles of news papers well organised in one corner are seen,one man holds the line.

Man:This is dehli news room, how can I help you.

Vihan:Can I speak with your boss please.

Man:My boss!!!Who are you,just tell me and I will.deliver your message,"Can I speak to your boss,how bossy of him"The aged man thinks to hin self about what Vihan just said.

Vihan:(Angrily) Am sure you really don't want to hear me annoyed ,I can end your career right now without even moving a step,Put your boss on the line immediately or else I will make your news channel disappear from the face of the earth.(The man on the line gets surprised on Vihan's tone,he removes the phone from his ear and looks at it,wondering what sort of a mannerless man this can be,he places it back)

Man:Look sir,unless if you set up an appointment with the boss,I can't give it to him.

Vihan who is already all types of annoyed right now,puts his phone on his forehead and shakes his head in anger and disgust as Arjun watches him.

Vihan: (calm anguish voice)Listen to me now ,carefully,may be you have no idea who I am,I don't like telling people my name,so just take the demn phone and give it to your boss and tell him,VIHAN SHUKLA KHAN,is on the line (loudly)You bloody fool.

As soon as the man hears his name he moves through the crowded people and straight to his boss's office,he even forgets to knock and finds the boss in meeting"sir...sir___he is on the line as he breathes heavily"He tells him,"Can't you see am in a meeting"His boss in a blue shirt,pen in the shirt pocket and in his 40s tells him,"Sir..I don't think you should make him wait, __(He looks at every one around) Its...__its Mr.Vihan Shuklah Khan sir.....Immediately he says the name everyone who is in the meeting looks at him wondering why the son of a rich business man suddenly called at such a cheap news arena.

"Give me the phone" The boss grabs it from him,stands up and moves in to another indoor room.

Boss: Ji sir,am Mr .Rohit,how can I help you.

"Help me my foot,you and one of your dammed reporters wants to destroy my family's reputation, and I can't let that happen" Vihan with anger clearly seen on his face tells him.

"But sir, no one has done such thing ,we are good news anchors ,who could have possibly engraved you,please tell me and I will deal with them right away " he tells him.

Vihan:One of your stupid reporters came here today at our company and asked sick inappropriate questions regarding my family,I know your news channel is eventually going to make it official,but let me warn you, if any news of that sort gets released about my father then I won't spare him or your channel, I will make sure your channel shuts down for good and you can kiss your career goodbye,do you hear me Mr.Rohit___Rohit who is already scared nods his head as that's the only thing he can do right now.You better stop that news from being released and delete that video from the internet,did you really think you can promote your channel by asking such baseless questions. Your clock begins now.He cuts the call.

Arjun claps for his nephew as he praises him, meanwhile the news reporter who questioned Harsith is caught by the boss on his ears taken to the records room where the news for that day is arranged,he checks the file and there it was,he bangs on his head and tells him to delete it and he does so.
"Look if you really don't want to see your family on the streets,don't mess with the Khan family,they are very powerful people" His boss informs him.

In the car
Everyone seems to be quite ,they are all wondering the type of girl Harsith is looking for,she is very rare.Harsith notices their silence and smiles.

"Why are you so quite" He breaks the silence."Does the girl you really want exist"Zayn questions him."Why do you say so,Harsith continues."Look at this bhaiya,I think you might remain a bachelor all your life,because that kind of girl is rare to find these days,do one thing just marry either my aunt or your friend Anika .Harsith smiles off on his suggestion for he knows he can not make that grave mistake of marrying off before he gets to know his past,true it has been 2years and half since his accident and no matter how he tried numerous times to find his family, nothing he got but still it does not mean he has no one ,it might be there still waiting for him or perhaps his wife ,his children and he would be making a grave mistake if he started a new one ,he would be betraying his family and so that stops him.But though the thought of him not having a family still haunts him deeply "what if I didn't have one"Every time it runs through his head but he a hopeful man is still very straight minded that his family is out there, he just needs to find it." Aaaaah..(cough)can we eat something?His thoughts are brought back when Amara requests them to have lunch.

Inside Purvi's car:
She is quietly sitted looking outside the window,she takes a look at the clear view of children playing with each other ,different activities being carried out by different people .A deep breath she takes in and closes her eye's, the moment she does so,she sees him,she can't lie she misses him very much everyday ,she could never have imagined she could live with out him ,every touch of his fingers,the way he carried her,every time he whispered in her ears ,she remembers how she had to convince the children their father was no more ,the cries they echoed every night asking for their baba,how it was hard for her to adjust without him,oh!how he pampered her ,a little tear drops from her eyes as she raises her small hand and wipes it away,as she cleans she notices the lion ring,the only memory that is left of him,she remembers how on his knees he made her wear it and how she laughed off as it was too big on her little finger,"Mukhiji"she whispers his name ,the driver and the two guards look at the rare view mirror at her ,her pain they can feel it too and her sadness they can not bare.Suddenly her phone rings disrupting her dreams,she clears her throat to act normal as her best friend Sudha is calling.

Purvi:(soft heavy sad voice)Hullo!!!
Sudha who is on the other line listens to her weak voice and gets suspicious.

"You cried again" she tells her."I couldn't stop my self Sudha,I can't lie any more ,it clearly shows on my face now that I miss him immensely "Purvi replies.

Sudha: (in mind)I was to tell her about the voice but hearing her condition i might be supporting her imaginations that he might still be alive but she is like my sister I can't lie to her.

" Purvi I want to tell you something "Sudha informs her as her face changes to worry.__" Is every thing ouk at the collage,or is it Venraj again"Purvi asks her as she knows its only Venraj at school that's always bothering her because she is always talking about him when ever she goes back for holidays so Purvi thinks it might be the reason for the call even this time.

"Nayi Purvi ,its not about Venraj ,this time its about ...._she stops in the middle finding the courage to say his name because Sudha knows Purvi gets emotions when ever one mentions his former title ." Sudha is everything thik,ur beginning to make me worry who is it this time"a concerned Purvi asks Her best friend .

"Mukhiji" a sad faced Sudha mentions his name as Purvi's eyes widen with curiosity and sadness filled with anxiety..

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