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"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Albedo's body ran cold if it wasn't already freezing from the snow. "Y/n's gone missing?"

The whole city was set ablaze—not literally—but in the sense in which the news reached everyone's ears. The Lovely Lovelorn Lady had suddenly gone missing and nobody knew why. Just after one crisis after another, now they've lost a person.

Currently, a meeting was called between all of the Knights of Favonius and all those involved. With the increase of Abyss activity, the first and immediate answer would be that she was abducted. However, even if she was, nobody would know why the Abyss would want such an ordinary woman, nor if they've already killed her. It wouldn't be long until she would be deemed dead if they didn't find her soon.

Everyone's mind weighed heavy. A heap of misguided feelings tumbled over. So heavy in fact, that Amber had already crumbled on the floor into a sobbing mess while Eula comforted her with an equally melancholic frown on her face. Lisa, on the verge of tears, paced around the room in a pensive and regretful mindset. Jean sat at her desk, gripping the ends of the pen, so hard, that it could've snapped. Even Diluc, known for being as serious as one man could be, broke his facade and caved into despair.

And Kaeya delivered the news with furrowed brows. Even he didn't believe it. 

Y/n, suddenly disappeared without a trace even though she was just with them a couple of days before. They all thought she was recuperating, giving herself some time to heal as they all instructed. 

Everyone tried so hard. Searching for hours and hours on end. It was to a point where they had no choice but to leave the case. A devastating feeling of doom and regret ate them whole.

They had no choice. There were no leads, no clues. Nothing that could lead to her, or confirm anything. And though nobody dared to think of it, she was already deemed dead until further notice.

Unless anything came up, she was gone.

Even when the Church's bell rung, she was gone. 

Even if the whole region prayed for her to come back, she was gone.

And ultimately, everything she gave to them was gone. Her smile, her voice, and even her happiness.

Everything was gone.

Faded into oblivion. 

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