hello ! <3

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hiya my lovelies! thanks for giving this fanfic a try for all the newcomers reading and thanks to everyone for taking the time to read this small message! this story has a bit of plot scuff, whoops ahah. 

this story is currently undergoing the process of being rewritten and sort of revamped into somewhat of a better writing style! so if you feel like checking it out, you can find it on my account as the only other story i have under my name lol. It has an actual cover :0

but! i still encourage taking a shot at reading this version since it's like a backbone to the newer one. it might be fun to compare and play spot the difference. have fun reading this mess :p 

from this point onward, i will be explaining and listing a couple of things about the revamped version of this story but feel free to skip and continue on to this one! if you like this story, the revamp might be cool to read. . .maybe.


yes, this revamp of tmfd will update unbelievably slow. of course, if i'm taking more time to develop the story, it's going to be a while before you see any updates from me. my condolences. i'll try my best but life is life. just try not to forget me while you wait, okay? xoxo

(ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵈᵐ ᵐᵉ, ˡᵉᵗˢ ᵇᵉ ᵇᵉˢᵗⁱᵉˢ ᵖˡᶻ)


trust me, i loved writing this story and still do. i really liked the idea i had in mind for this fanfic but i wanted to add a little bit more of depth into the story. the plot was a bit confusing and random at moments and most definitely not consistent. i really want to write something im proud of, to be frank. maybe you'll like it better? maybe not, who knows! 


so what is changing? a lot. 

would be funny if that was all i gave you but let's not be harsh. 

so, it will still be an xreader but like most xreader fanfics, it's going to be a little restricted in order for the plot to make sense later down the line. i'll still take suggestions so please do comment your thoughts! 

first an foremost, the structuring will be different. for any og readers out there (im never saying that again btw), you guys may know that this fanfic was structured in ACTS where each act is essentially a new region. this will kind of hold true in the rewritten version but there's going to be an added element. there will still be a character profile/preface but in addition to that, i'm going to write a 3 part prologue; kind of like a backstory before the first official chapter begins. this is just to give you, the reader, more of an understanding of the character and relationships y/n has before the story really begins. it will be first pov told it y/n's perspective and then transition to a third person pov in the first official chapter. there might be special chapters that'll feature specific characters in fun situations but not really important or relevant to the main story. 

spoiler ! if you haven't read this story yet, i don't advise reading this paragraph unless you don't care :D so...albedo makes some random potion and boom bam pow, plot?!?!!?!?! no. the revamp will still visit this idea but it's not going to be the main part that dictates how the whole story starts. this time, there's going to be more of reason besides "omygod potion turned y/n into something nonhuman." but the premise will still stand. y/n will genuinely have a reason to fear herself and runaway, dont worry. :DD

I WILL VALUE PLOT OVER PEOPLE. which means i'll add more of a story to how y/n meets her potential loves rather than 1 new character introduced almost every chapter (though it might happen), it won't be a one time occurrence where a character is only seen once and then cast into the shadow abyss. like how genshin has events where characters from different regions visit the current one. for the sake of fluidity, lets just keep it at that. anyways, its just going to be more built out. don't worry, characters are still a major priority lol.

um. . .hopefully it'll be consistent this time? 

spoiler ! oh and y/n's abilities will be more fleshed out 100%. tbh before, i added the powers for dramatic effect and didn't think it through. i mean, can you blame me? what else are you supposed to do after y/n screams bloody murder and passes out in a secret meeting? duh. give her a glow up! yeah, anyways, it'll have a bit more depth. 

and finally, chapters will be significantly longer :))


thanks for visiting this story and reading all of that! there's a lot i have in store for the revamp of tmfd and im so excited. will take forever though 0-0 i hope it meets my standards and satisfies you all! as previously mentioned, if you have any suggestions on what to add for the revamp, any theories, or just random comments, ill gladly respond! <3

byebye! hope to see you there.

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