Author's Disrection [AUTHOR NOTE]

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Wow! It's been.. years. It's really been years. Since I've made this book, I've grown and gone through so many things, so much pain. But sometimes I come back to Wattpad and check this now and again. I haven't checked this in two years.

Now it's 2022, I'm in highschool. I was raised on Hamilton practically, especially the ships! And I remember scouring the list for good jamilton ship fics, getting annoyed they didn't suit my needs or were written poorly, and me going "FUCK this, why don't I just write one myself?"

Now it's, well, it's been a while. I grew out of my Hamilton phase, or so I thought. Tonight I watched Hamilton again! And I spent hours reading Jamilton fics. The nostalgia really, really hit me hard. I don't even know if people are into Jamilton anymore let alone Hamilton.

But that's not stopping me. Guess what? I'm going to rewrite this book. Yes, this exact book. All of the chapters, and maybe even more chapters. I'm proud of my writing now! And I'm glad I wrote this fic. It's been so long since I've done something like this, a long fic I thought would be my first and last public one.

I'd really like it if people were willing enough to talk to me in Wattpad chats about Hamilton again. I miss it. Maybe I'll even roleplay, who knows? All I know is I have nostalgia.

That's all for now, but I'll be online very often. User Melonylemon, now called Eraphaim, is out.


The New Kid With a Bike [Jamilton] [W.I.P REWRITE!!]Where stories live. Discover now