Just pure divaness always at the end. [OLD VERSION]

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Alexander after the debate now a week ago at this point, had a friend group, caught up with his homework, since he persuaded his teachers to show him the work for the week every Monday so he was caught up every week. He outdid himself and always impressed the teachers, gaining a reputation as the teacher's pet.

This time at lunch, he was talking with Herc outside in the hallway and a certain someone came and slammed Alex against a locker.

"Lee! Get off of me!" Alex struggled to cry out.

"You know, for a little nobody like you, you really are good at manipulating the teachers.." Lee seethed through his teeth.

Herc tried to tackle Lee but unless Lee wasn't strong, he had quick reflexes. Lee grabbed Herc's arm and swung him around to change his direction, making Herc directly slam into a wall. Herc covered his nose which was starting to spill blood. He growled and went to go find Lafayette since he was not gonna fight Lee and accidentally hurt Alex.

"HERC!-" Alex tried to call Herc back but he was slapped by Lee. He held his cheek and punched Lee in the chest. The two started a all out brawl, slamming eachother into the floor, throwing eachother at lockers, this was not civil at all.

After a few minutes of this brawl, bleeding from both of their mouths, Lafayette, Aaron, John, and Herc came dashing around the corner, Aaron and Lafayette taking Alex, and then John and Herc taking Lee and holding them far away from eachother.

"Sweet Jesus! What the hell did you two do to eachother!?" Aaron cried.

"Well this PRICK decided to start fighting me!" Alex blurt out.

"Well you're a fuckwad!" Lee replied-

"THAT'S ENOUGH YOU TWO!" John yelled.

"Jesus Christ. Look. You guys HAVE to get along. Or Washington is gonna report you two to the principal and there goes Alex and Jefferson's group is gonna MURDER us for getting Lee expelled!" Hercules scolded the two.

"I know where Lee's house is. I'll just sneak them out of school and lock them in his house. Maybe bring that Seabury boy." Lafayette smirked.

"NO FUCKING WAY!" Alex and Lee yelled. Lee was blushing a little though.

"This is torture.." Alex muttered.

Timeskip brought to you by Lafayette burning the fucking cookies and Aaron filling his mouth with frosting

Alex and Lee were thrown into a house, Lee's house, and Lafayette locked the door. Lafayette was friends with Lee's parents so they gave Lafayette a key to the house.

"....your house is a mansion." Alex muttered

"I know. My parents went away for a business trip a week ago." Lee sighed.

Alex stood up and looked around him, there was a living room to his left, a kitchen to the right, and in front above of him was a huge stairwell with two separate stairways curving out and in, leading to a hallway, the edge of the hallway next to the stairs safely blocked anyone from falling back into the first floor by a stairwell fence. And under the stairs was a room connecting the living room and the kitchen.

"Well....I'm sorry about eariler. You were kinda a jerk though." Lee smirked.

"Hey! Hmph." Alex crossed his arms.

"Well... Wanna order some pizza?" Lee took out his phone.

"Hell yeah. I'm good with plain or anything. Not pineapple though. It's a long story." Alex walked around, into the kitchen, going to raid the fridge.

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