The New Kid With a Bike appears at the doorstep [OLD VERSION]

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New York, Summer, XXXX
Tapping. That's all Alexander heard.

Alexander Hamilton jolted up from his deep slumber. He rubbed his eyes, trying to remember the dream he had. A tapping noise came from the window. Alex turned to the window, seeing a Raven tap at it for what to be seemed as wanting in.

Alex sighed and smiled, shuffling out of his comfortable bed and opening the window to let the Raven in.

"You know, you're the only one who wakes me up in the morning, if it wasn't for you I'd be sleeping till twelve."

Alex looked down at his clothes, all he was wearing was boxers and a NASA shirt he got a week ago.

"Guess I need to change, huh?" The Raven nodded and Alex threw the blanket off of him and went to his closet for a new change of clothes; he got himself to quickly took a shower to be a little more awake.

He's been gathering lots of school supplies so much that he ended up getting stuck in a decor store at 12am holding a little cactus plant he was adoring. He ended up buying it and now it sat in his room next to a calendar which said the date: September 19 2019.

Today was the first day of senior year for Alex, he wanted to get more sleep but with the store incident that changed everything.

Alex walked out of the shower and went back to his room and dried up, putting on a black hoodie that had a NASA logo on it and a pair of skinny jeans matching a pair of converse.

"What do you think?" Alex turned to the Raven, it tilting it's head and cooing at him.

"Thank you!" Alex jokingly said, walking on the other side of the bed and crossing out the calendar's new day. He grabbed a brush on the bedside table to brush his hair and stuffed his phone in his hoodie.

Alex smiled and walked over to a closet to grab his backpack and throw it on his bed.

He looked down again at his body and quickly turned around to look back at the black bird and gestured towards a simple vanity.

The bird nodded and Alex walked towards it and sat down to put some eyeliner on. After putting his eyeliner on he heard a noise from downstairs.

"Alex! Come down and get your waffles before it's time to go!"

"Coming Ma!"

Alex grabbed his backpack and waved the bird goodbye before running downstairs to get his waffles.

"Alex! You used make-up! Didn't know you were that excited to go to the senior year."

Alex shrugged and plopped down into a chair as his mother gave him the waffles that she had cooked.

"Your father is out again, he's been gone for nearly a day now."

Alex rolled his eyes. "Don't call that man my father. He's barely one."

"Alexander you know he has...issues..."

As Alex stuffed his face with the waffles he muffled out "Well I mhink he desermes metting drunh anh passinm ouh on a vench to waje up mith a spwitting headache. Merves him rimht for mwashing our moneh.

(Well I think he deserves getting drunk and passing out on a bench to wake up with a splitting headache. Serves him right for wasting our money.)

"Alex! One don't talk with your mouth full, and two- ......I..... hmph."

"Me- one, Ma- zero."

"You're such a rascal. But a rascal who has to go to school in 15 minutes." She pointed to a digital clock saying the numbers 6:10.

"Shit! Gotta go!" Alex quickly finished the waffles and kissed his mother on the cheek, grabbing his backpack from the chair and dashing out the door.

"Love you Ma!"

"Love you too, honey!"

Alex ran around the corner and grabbed his bike. The black bird from before glided down from his window and perched on Alex's shoulder as he climbed on and started riding off to the school.

New York, Washington Heart Riverhigh, 2019

Students packed the front campus of the school. Some in groups, some still in their cars, respectfully trying to keep the cool air of their ACs in both their or their friend's limits.

The sun beamed down on the students, but Alexander Hamilton didn't mind the sun that much. He halted to a stop once he got on campus, searching the bike parking out.

He pedaled there and locked his bike in. Nobody really used the bike parking lot so he had the place to mostly himself. He noticed a few students looking his way but didn't mind.

He walked into the campus square and looked around. It wasn't even few minutes in and people had formed groups and found others they hanged out with for all the 3 years. Alex felt like a total outcast.

He saw a few familiar faces from back in 7th grade, but did not dare walk up to them. He walked into the middle of campus and tripped on a rock, crashing into the pavement. He heard laughter from a group and sighed.

Already embrassment and he wasn't even halfway in the school day.

He got up and walked around, earning looks from students who didn't know him.

"Ah, one more year? That doesn't sound like too much work." A brown eyed, curly haired man, surrounded by a group of his what seemed to be friends from past years said.

Thomas Jefferson, the mostly opposite of Alexander Hamilton, the pratical king of the school, was leaning on his car, arm around a girl who was on Instagram, hanging out with his 7 friends.

James Madison, the nurse of the group.

Aaron Burr, the one who seemed to have the most logic.

Maria, nobody really knows her last name, but if you hear Maria, they're talking about her makeup skills. Had commissioned foundation and makeup to hide lots of hickeys, presumably by her boyfriend:

James Reynolds, the bodyguard of the group. If you were to have a jock and James Reynolds fight, bet your money on James.

John Adams, into politics, and one of the best people to have a civil debate with without the fighting.

Charles Lee, the one who runs in when shit hits the fan. He's fast, does gymnastics, which people don't really know, and has a slight obsession with tea.

And Thomas Jefferson, strong, attractive, in the debate club and #1 in it as well, as of a few other things he's really good at.

Alex looked at the group. Some of them seemed really familiar.

Thomas Jefferson caught wind of the 'new kid' in the school a little eariler.

Alex thought he saw someone notice him so he turned away and started walking to the other side of the campus.

"Thomas, look at that kid. What's it doing here? Don't they know they should belong in kindergarten, not here?" Charles said.

"Dear God, Charles, don't go picking a fight again." Aaron sighed and went on Instagram, not wanting to see the end of how this goes.

"Hm, they are quite short. Is that kid seven?" Thomas said.

"Dunno. Was lookin' at us though, think they tough?" Charles rolled his eyes as he lengthened the 'dunno' in his sentence.

"...Fine. I'll go see what's up with them in a little. Don't want you Charles to end up getting your ass beat." Thomas smirked at his petty remark.

"Hey! I can beat up someone." Charles crossed his arms.

Alex gulped and leaned on the school's wall. He avoided eye contact to everyone and looked down at his phone.

Today was going to be hectic.

The New Kid With a Bike [Jamilton] [W.I.P REWRITE!!]Where stories live. Discover now