Titles are Overrated. [OLD VERSION]

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School had been going well so far, (kinda) and now it was Art. Alex sat at the desk, drawing a cat.


That cat was just a 2D drawing on paper. Ground up rocks making the consistency of it. Led, on a thin sheet that can be broken easily but be from a thing that needs to be cut with metal and the full force of a adult, but nobody had the chances and realize that all this technology is just trees, plastic, rocks, and minerals we find in dirt. And we admire those things when just scraped on a thin sheet of paper and call it art.

But, that cat was more sentimental than just a sketch that would be thrown out later. The way he saw how he drew animals, they reminded him of people.

Quick witted, agile, brave, stealthy, sly, full of knowledge.


He was most of those things. He was a- a cat. Un chat vif d'esprit.

Alex took out a yellow colored pencil, coloring in the cat's eyes. A gold, star-like color.

If stars were actually yellow and not white, dying balls of fire.

Alex stared out the window, his eyes concentrating on a bird. A black bird that reminded him of himself. He was normal, but abnormal. He was... unusual. uncommon.
atypical, untypical, nontypical, unrepresentative, rare, isolated, irregular, anomalous, deviant, deviating, di-vergent, wayward, aberrant, freak.

He was in the middle. You would think of him as a normal person. Just living their life. But the next would be why he was so....quiet. If anybody had remembered him from middle school, they would ask why he had left. Try and get into his head. Sometimes he wish people had remembered him, and wished he knew what happened again back in middle school, his mind was forgetful. But sometimes he didn't. They were different now from back then. Adapted to something toxic, and hurtful. That before just plain old bullying and laughing had gone to hurting people everywhere they went and sobbing every night you went home. Some people were on the top spectrum, untouched. But who knows how long it took to get up there? How many sacrifices did they make for their personality and morals, hell, how many even used their body to get where they are now? The kids who didn't now were on the rock bottom part of it, because they had realization that sacrificing things they had built just for some friends who'd leave them before college was the most stupidest thing that humanity ever made up.

Alex snapped out of his trance and surprisingly, that black bird was still there. He looked back at his drawing, those eyes seemed to be staring at him. He slid aside the paper and looked at a pair of scissors he had packed in his bag laying on the desk. He picked them up and stood up, walking to the front of the room and grabbing more paper before calmly walking back to his desk and sitting down. He cut the paper to create a thin strip of paper. He folded it up into a small, thumbnail sized star and stared at it.

He started cutting up the paper to make dozens of thin strips, by the time the papers were cut they looked like they had went through a paper cutting trash bin. He folded the strips into stars and by the time he was done with the last strip his desk looked like a paper origami galaxy. He scooped up the stars handful by handful and slid them into a small coin bag before tying the knot on it and admiring the full bag, it was like he had a tiny galaxy in his hands.

Putting the coin star filled bag in his hoodie pocket, he slid the cat drawing to himself and searched in his backpack for a binder. He took one out and slid the picture in the front cover plastic like storage area before stuffing the binder back in his backpack, zipping the bag shut and listening to the bell ring before grabbing his bag, walking out the door with the other students.

Just for your information, gym was fine. Everyone was fine, everyone greattttttt.
Alex was hit in the face with a basketball, while a short guy with locks of hair almost covering his right side of his eye got stuck on the basketball hoop because his friend threw him up there and he clung on since he didn't wanna fall and get injured.

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