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At this time of afternoon, Washington was walking with Alexander, both of them discussing about how the Winter Wonderland dance would go. The Debate club did play a role, every year there was a dance for Winter, and the club president for the Council club and the treasury, secretary, and other members would get the funding for the dance. They had already reached their goal, being over 10,000 dollars in funding, the half of the over funding proceeds would go to other things the school needed, leaving the council and debate clubs with a well off budget for the dance.

The Debate club was to debate what decorations and equipment should be bought, and Alexander had won over Charles Lee. Thomas was a very good sport, he did agree with Alexander to be on every opposing side he was on, because that would make it a little bit more interesting every time the two were chosen to debate with each other.

"So, we have about a thousand left for the decorations, then next is equipment." Washington explained.
"Great! We already have confetti, balloons, tears, and light up winter decorations! But we need more too placement decorations." Alexander wrote on a notepad, checking off the things they had.
"How about light-up reindeer sculptures?" Washington asked.
"That's a great idea! And we should add in rabbits." Alexander smiled.
Washington laughed softly and raised a eyebrow. "Why rabbits?"
"Cause they are cute and turn white in winter!" Alexander laughed a little.

Washington nodded, stopping for a second. "Well, of course people are going to be asking out others left and right. Alexander, do you have a date for the Winter Wonderland dance?"
Alexander stopped in his tracks. ""
"Do you have anyone in particular that you want to ask out? Maybe that Eliza girl?"
Alexander turned to Washington. "Well, I feel like it'd be more of a friendship then relationship."
"She talks about you all the time, I've heard from others."
"...Well, we talk all the time but I don't see that unnatural. You're kind of like a..."
"Fatherly figure?" Washington chuckled.
Alexander nodded. "Guess you can say that. But, Eliza, she really should be looking the other direction."
"Why so?"
"Well, my life isn't that good. In particular, you can call it: fake sophisticated pretending."
Washington frowned a bit, sitting on a bench. "That doesn't sound good."
Alexander sat next to him.
"No, it's not. My father is barely there for me, and my mother is cheating on him with a woman. I don't fit in, I care for my mother deeply, but it'd be better off if my father left. I don't deserve my mother. She tries her best, but she's coming down with a bad cold. We don't know when to go to the doctors. And all the nice things in our house, I used my money on them. We...used to live here. But we wanted to go to the Caribbeans.
.... that's when everything changed. Maybe death was right after that h-.. hurricane."

Washington looked at Alexander and patted him, the green hoodie wearing male. "Son, dying is easy, living is harder. Don't look down at your past self and use that as why nobody would love you. I care for you, I would even adopt you if it meant you were happy." Washington smiled.
Alexander looked up at Washington. "T-..... That'd be nice. Although if you even did, I would want to see my mother every week." Alexander doubted that Washington would take him in.

Washington smiled and nodded. "Now, do you have any particular person you want to ask out at all?"
Alexander hummed in consideration. "Well, you know Thomas Jefferson?"
Washington raised a eyebrow and paused for a minute before realizing. "Ohhhhhh."
"Y-yeah." Alexander let a faint blush appear on his face.
"Even though you guys have huge differences, I think you should go for it."
"You sure?"
Alexander took out his phone and dialed Thomas's number.
Washington smiled again. "Right now?"
Alexander nodded and hit the call button, putting the phone up to his ear.

Thomas looked at his couch, he was currently at the kitchen, but the ringtone made him notice instantly. He set it as the Little Shop of Horrors theme song. He went to the couch and picked up the phone, putting it up to his ear.
"Lexi?" He asked.
"Hey, um, Thomas, I have to ask you something."
"Well, what is it darlin'?"
"Will you go to the dance with me?" Alexander asked, with lack of confidence.
Thomas paused for a second, and grinned happily. "Why would I say no to that offer? Of course!"
Alexander smiled and quietly 'yes!'ed. He was super happy Thomas agreed. "Oh my gosh, thank you!"

Thomas after talking to Alexander for a while hung up, placing his phone back on the couch. "How would I even say no?" He couldn't. He absolutely loved Alexander too much and wanted to go with him. But he'd have to hide it from his family though.
Thomas grabbed his phone again and texted Peggy. During the hangout between everyone, he had gotten Peggy's number to text her.

Thomas_Jefferson: Pegs?

Peggy_Memelord: Yeh?

Thomas_Jefferson: What would be a good combination of flowers, a good clothing choice, and a thing that Lexi likes?

Peggy_Memelord: Omg you asked him out to the dance?

Thomas_Jefferson: He asked me out to the dance

Peggy_Memelord: Ö

Peggy_Memelord: Holy shit

Peggy_Memelord: The dance is like a week away

Peggy_Memelord: Know what

Peggy_Memelord: The day before the dance on Thursday come to me and I'll hook you up with everything

Thomas_Jefferson: Didn't you guys only meet about two or so weeks ago, or

Peggy_Memelord: Yeh, but we got along very well and I also got his number from the hangout

Peggy_Memelord: I'm bout to steal your man

Thomas_Jefferson: Aren't you a lesbian

Peggy_Memelord: That doesn't stop me from becoming his momma

Thomas_Jefferson: Real funny

Peggy_Memelord: Fineeee I guess I will see you later

Thomas_Jefferson: Bye Pegs

Peggy_Memelord: Byyyeeeeeeeeee

The New Kid With a Bike [Jamilton] [W.I.P REWRITE!!]Where stories live. Discover now