Daddy Issues [OLD VERSION]

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Alexander wasn't having a good day. His father finally for once got the energy to do something. And that something was argue with his mother. As the yelling downstairs raised, Alex curled up in his bed, shaking. He didn't like when his parents fought. His father was loud, and mean. His mother was loud but she sometimes hits her breaking point and has a breakdown in front of his father. He looked at his phone and went to one contact he knew well.

AlexButUnexpected: Thomas?

Thomas_Jefferson: yeah?

AlexButUnexpected: I'm lonely, can you come over?

Thomas_Jefferson: I don't know where you live

AlexButUnexpected: my address is [XXX XXXXXXX XXXX XX]

Thomas_Jefferson: You want me to come through the door or

AlexButUnexpected: no, there's a open window, you have to somehow get through there

Thomas_Jefferson: but isn't your room on a second floor?

AlexButUnexpected: yeah

Thomas_Jefferson: how am I supposed to get up?

AlexButUnexpected: have you ever seen Rapunzel?

Thomas_Jefferson: are you saying that I'm going to have to climb the house with you letting down your hair?

AlexButUnexpected: no

AlexButUnexpected: I'm going to tie my blankets together and tie it to the window so you can climb up

Thomas_Jefferson: but what if I fall?

AlexButUnexpected: you will, probably, but your choice if you wanna come or not

Thomas_Jefferson: fine, I'll go

AlexButUnexpected: yay!

Alex put down his phone, crawling out of bed to get extra blankets. He used a technique to tie the blankets into one long rope. He grabbed the end of one and threw it out the window and then saw a hook next to his window he could tie the blanket rope on. He then tested it, it was pretty sturdy. He ignored the yelling all the time he was making the contraption.

He saw a familiar curly haired male walking down the street. "Hey! Thomas!" He yelled. Thomas looked up and instantly crossed the street to go over to his window.
"Is that going to work?" Thomas said.
"Maybe!" Alex replied. He held the blanket rope in case the hook didn't hold it up.

Thomas held onto the blanket rope and started climbing. He was a pretty good climber, for him having been put to rock climb and rope climb, where you have to climb a rope in a certain amount of time, back in elementary, as a course for the gym class. His gym class was more focused on how to get out of a survival situation then to play games, which he silently thanked for that.

Thomas held onto the windowsill and pulled himself up. Alex let go of the blanket and helped Thomas up and inside his room. He unraveled the blanket rope from the hook and pulled it up, then walked to his closet and hung it up.

"Wow Alexander, you do have a pretty nice place," Thomas complemented. Alex smiled and sat on the bed.
"Thank you, it took a long time to set it up correctly. Maybe I should buy some sort of lights, you know, lights that install in the walls and you can change the colors?" Alex looked at Thomas.
"Maybe so. Hey- you wear makeup?" Thomas walked to Alexander's vanity and picked up foundation and eyeliner.
"O-oh, yeah- I do. It's a kind of habit, I like it." Alex fiddled with his sleeves on his arms, feeling embrassment bubble up inside of him.
"I think it's cute, but you look good anyway without makeup." Thomas smiled and winked at Alex when he turned his head to reply to the comment. Alex felt his heart skip one of it's beats, and he slightly blushed.

Alex stood up and heard the arguing get louder. He hated it. Thomas heard it and spun around at Alex's door.
"D-..don't go down there! My father will kill me if he saw I had allowed a boy to enter the house." Alex sighed while Thomas went to Alex and hugged him.
"It's gonna be ok. You have parents that aren't the best for eachother, right? Well, calm down, it's gonna be ok." Thomas said, letting a more southern hint of his accent shine through.

Thomas picked Alex up and sat on the bed, he was cradling Alex like a baby. Alex leaned against Thomas's chest, the only comfort he got like this was from his mother, back when he was a child.
Alex sat upright in Thomas's arms and looked at him. They hadn't said anything for a few minutes, just peaceful silence while they blocked out the arguing from downstairs. Thomas shifted his hands so he had them on Alexander's waist. They didn't know what to do, or say, but, as they say, actions speak louder than words. And they leaned closer and closed the gap in-between their lips.

Alex was the first one to pull back from the kiss. Honestly, that was his first ever kiss, if you didn't count the motherly kisses his mother gave him. He felt.. safe. Thomas smiled and kissed Alex's cheek.
"Actions spoke way louder than words there, Alexander." He simply said. He placed Alex on the bed and laid next to him.
"I...I guess so." Alex smiled and cuddled with Thomas. He felt finally at peace, and the confusion inside of him of wether or not Thomas had liked him was answered.
Alex started to get tired and fell asleep instantly. Thomas covered the both of them with Alex's blanket and decided to sleep with him as well.

(DAMNIT- apperantly I had published the book yesterday but something happened where it had freaking not sent the book out. So I decided why I didn't see it and it didn't go through. So really sorry with the inconveniences! I made it up to you guys by finally giving you the ship sailing in this chapter. Also holy crap guys, the book is almost at 800 views! That's a lot, thank you so much. While I was writing this too I found this and I think it's a huge yikes.

Eeeeee, yeah. That's a no no. Anyway, thank you for reading and if I have to say the next chapter will be out next Tuesday, then after that a chapter won't be published due to trying to get the schedule back to normal. Thank you! =3 )

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