New Challenger Appears [REWRITTEN]

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New York, Washington Heart Riverhigh, 6:40 A.M.

Oh god. He was stuck next to this very intimidating man, who already knew his name! But it seemed that they weren't paying attention, thankfully. Atleast everyone but Thomas.

"So... Hamilton. We've got about an hour or so before school starts, usually they take a bit and send out tourist guides to tour the school." He explained, drawing out his words. Alexander looked up from his phone, paying attention to Thomas.

"Now let me make it clear: you go walking around like you're the shit and you'll get my attention in a not-so good way. As long as you're quiet, we're cool. Not like you're that impor-"

Hamilton turned towards him, clearing his throat. "First of all, my name is Alexander. Second of all, I came here on a scholarship. I won't cause any trouble." He stood his ground, and was met with surprise from Thomas.

"Huh. You're spunky." He answered back, leaning towards the shorter man. "So, ev'r thought bout joining debate?" He asked. "I could use a good debate enemy."

Alexander raised an eyebrow, turning his body towards Thomas. "Depends.." He poked Thomas in the chest.

"Depends?" Jefferson grinned.

"I don't know. What do I get out of it?"

Thomas thought about his inquiry, then snapped his fingers. "Longtime enemy?"

...Now, to others, this was something crazy to offer. But Thomas saw something in Hamilton.

"...Huh. I'll consider it. Real question, can you even throw a punch?" Alexander asked.

"Hah! That's an interesting question. Why wouldn't I be able to?" The Virginian laughed, waiting for an answer.

"Pray tell, I haven't been able to lose a fight." Alexander let a big grin slide onto his face. That intrigued Jefferson.

"Oh, really now? Well, let's see if you can-" He threw a punch at Alex. As if instinct, Alex dropped down to the ground, missing the punch. "Woah." Okay, now he was impressed. He threw a hook down, and Alex rolled down and to the side. Another punch, rolled back.

"Do you believe me now?" Alexander stood. Thomas's eyes were wide. He was.. impressed.

"Well, it's something, that's what I'll say." He nodded to himself.. then lurched over when Alexander jabbed him in the stomach. "WAGH-" He said, the group turning their attention towards the two now. Thomas shook his head and chuckled. Sneaky bastard. But he'd get even. He grabbed the short man and pushed him up against a wall, holding his shoulder with a single, firm grasp against it.

"Christ-!" He gasped, feeling the tenseness in his shoulder. Jefferson was strong, a single hand had him pinned against a wall.

"Pfft, skilled in diversion, but not so much in strength," James commented, rolling his eyes. Thomas let go of Hamilton, leaving him rubbing his shoulder.

"Hmph." He huffed. Thomas glanced at him again and lightly tapped the back of his head. "Aw, don't get so huffy. You'd look too adorable." He teased the other. Hamilton groaned and elbowed him in the side, making him jerk a little.

"I have to go." Hamilton mentioned, walking away. He heard a half-hearted "Buh-bye!" From Thomas, before he heard a laugh. He was getting only a couple feet away before inevitably stumbling over someone. Just great. Whomstever did I bother this time, he wondered. But his thoughts were cut off by a worried voice.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" The voice cried, helping Alexander up again. He was met with a heavily freckled face, with slick-back hair in a fluffy ponytail. He hasn't seen this person before..

"A-Ah, yeah, I'm fine." Alex assured, before being greeted properly by the freckled boy.

"Name's John Laurens, who are you?" John asked. Alexander blinked a few times before responding.

"Uh.. Alexander Hamilton. You can just call me Alexander."

John smiled at him, before getting super awkward suddenly. "I didn't mean to hurt you.. have a lolipop! I was going to have it, but cherry's not my favourite." Then, the freckled boy pushed a red lolipop into Alex's hand. God, wait, it was abnormally large. Like a sucker, about the size of his palm. How much did this man consume of sugar?

Alex inspected it before looking at Laurens. "Thank you. I'm glad to be here." He had responded simply, noticing a shadow behind him. He turned and met direct contact with a crouched boy who looked just like Jefferson, but with his hair in a bun. He stumbled back, shouting.

"¡Jesucristo!" The man said, before getting a good look at his face.

"Mon Ami, who's the new guy?" The.. French, Thomas Jefferson spoke. Alexander stepped back, bumping into John again. "Sorry."

"Lafayette! This is Alexander. I accidentally tripped him over." He nonchalantly said. Alexander thought it was kinda weird to introduce someone you just tripped..

"Oh! Hello, Alexander! You're new, aren't you?" Laf spoke.

"Ah.. yes?" Lex nodded. "Yes, I am. I was supposed to be going to the tour.."

John's eyes brightened with excitement. "Oh! Me and my friends are on the welcoming committee group! We can guide you!" He sounded really happy.. Alexander couldn't say no.

Suddenly, another man showed up. Not as tall as Lafayette but still taller than Hamilton. He had a cheerful and boisterous voice. "Hey y'all!" He ran up to the other two, hugging them tight. They laughed and embraced him. "Hercules, Mon Ami! This is Alexander. We're going to guide him around!" Laf this time introduced Alexander.

Alexander thought that these three must be extremely close. Loud and definitely proud. He liked their energy even if it was just a bit weird. "Yes, I'm new."

"Aha! Look at this, man! I can tell he's gonna be GREAT!" Herc shouted. He caused faces to glance the four's way, but they didn't seem bothered.

Alexander laughed a bit and decided something: Maybe he wasn't going to be bothered after all.

He followed the three, but something caught his eye, a necklace buried halfway in the dirt. He picked it up, and it was a beautiful silver necklace with a amethyst gem. He looked around, seeing if he could find the owner real quick, but to no avail. Before he went inside the school, he put it on, and read his phone again.


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