Acceptance [OLD VERSION]

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Alexander was on Maria's bed, covered in blankets as he looked at an album book. "So, where do you think I'll go?" He asked her.

"Well, it's quite a fatal tragedy. Cancer is a bitch, man." She sat next to him.
"I have to go ask for approval with Thomas's parents to get married, and I can't even not stress out about my mother while she's in the hospital." He buried his tears into the soft blankets.

"So, not to stop your sobbing, but, why is your father neglectful?"

Alexander let out a soft sigh and flipped to a page of his younger self. "Well, when I was born my father wanted a girl. They thought I was a girl, too. My father named me Alexa, and it took a few years for me to get the name Alex. I am not female to male, though. My mother, she was married to another and there were many, many fights. I, as you know, left New York. We moved to Charlestown but ended up moving here from a hurricane that took place. The bike I had was one thing I could salvage which was a gift from my mother. I, can't remember much. It's been quite a while." He wiped his remaining tears and closed the album book.

"I'm really sorry Alexander. I wish I could've been there for you." She hugged him, feeling very guilty.

"Don't pity me, It's not your fault that all of this had happened. I'll find a way." He slipped out of the bed and kissed her cheek. "Je te verrai plus tard, mon ami." With that, he left for his fiance's house.

Alexander was sitting in a chair, seated from one side of the table from Thomas, Thomas's parents on the other sides, facing each other. He nervously ate the rice on his plate, considering every consequence and every benefit from what he would say. It had only been thirty minutes, but the tension felt like it itself had been going on for hours. He glanced up from his plate to look at the other from across the table.
Thomas's eyes were glistening with hope, he was nervous as well. Married right out of a year of meeting each other, married before college. Most people would think of it as stupid, which, it was. They both knew. But they wanted to make sure that they would be inseparable. They knew that one day, something would happen. Was this even the right decision? Were they meant for eachother? Alexander felt like it was straight out of a romance comedy book. How lucky does one get? All these words in his head felt like a annoying song you couldn't get out of your head no matter how much you listened to it.

"Get it out of your head, Alexander. You're overthinking" He said to himself. He really was an overthinker. He turned his head to Thomas's father, inhaling gently and finally speaking.

"Sir, I would like to ask you for your blessing in marrying your son." Alexander had spoken, receiving back, "How will I know you shall and will treat him right?"

He paused, taking in the consideration for what he should say next. "I want to make sure he is happy and comfortable with me, and even though I am not the best choice, I will make sure I shall treat your son right."

"How do you feel about him?" Thomas's mother questioned, looking at her husband. They both were thinking.

"He is sometimes an ass, but I like that about him. Not too much of a romantic, just the right amount. He's fine with the things I like, too. I enjoy him around and he's my best friend and fiance, of course he can sweep me off my feet."

"Would you marry him?" They both questioned.

Alexander nodded with a yes.

"I give you my blessing, then." Thomas's father spoke.
"I do too."

He froze up and smiled before getting up and running to Thomas, engulfing him with a hug.

"I told you." Thomas smiled back with that teasing comment.

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