Getting To Know A. Burr [REWRITTEN]

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The newfound group's welcoming meeting was over, and Alexander got to know their names and more about them.

John Laurens was a senior, was on the soccer team and was in mostly agriculture classes. He was seventeen, liked sweets and animals. Alexander also heard him speak about his volunteer work at the animal shelter and a outside pond he's building to get a turtle for.

Marquis de Lafayette was an eighteen year old transfer student from France, was still learning English, and was focused on things like history, debate and such. He was best friends with the history/debate club teacher, George Washington. Note to never call him Gilbert, nor try and say his full name. He had it shortened on the roster to Lafayette Marquis for the sake of simplicity.

Hercules Mulligan was the powerhouse of the group, in the wrestling and football team since thirteen years old going on eighteen next month, and worked as a tailor for a shop not so far away from the school itself. A big hunky guy with a goofy and loving attitude, and a soft spot for his best friends. He looked exactly like James Madison too, so he wondered if they were related or just doppelgangers. He remembered all of them drifting off of introduction to tease Hercules about his upcoming birthday, where one of the gifts are always two editions of the Disney-to-DVD Hercules movie, director's cut. He had to have atleast sixteen or so by now.

With the introductions already done, he followed them through the halls as the ten minute warning bell rang. He was given his schedule to remember, and wanted to ask.

"Hey, John, what classes do you have? I have Math IIII AP, Art Intermediate, English IIII AP, and American History AP." He told him.

"Math IIII Honors, Art Intermediate Honors, Spanish III and English IIII. So it seems we'll see eachother in art!" John had smiled, looking at Alexander's hopeful eyes then turn cheerful.

"Mon Ami, I'm in English IIII AP with you!" Laf added. "I believe Hercules is in English IIII AP as well, so you'll see the both of us!"

The four were now excited, knowing that they'd see eachother in classes. Alexander was a bit worried about Math IIII, though. Nobody was in that class with him.

They all decided to go to their lockers, which were all on the same hall, just a few feet away from eachother. Other students passed by to go to lounge rooms and the sort before classes started.

"Hamilton?" A voice spoke. He looked up to see Thomas Jefferson, and he suddenly felt just a bit embarrassed.

"Uh.. hey." He waved awkwardly as he  organized everything in his locker. He was a neat freak about lockers, which is why he spent a couple of bucks on locker pencil holders and sticky notes of the sort.

"I just wanna say, I'm in all of your classes." Jefferson nonchalantly mentioned, which made Alex slightly jump.

"What?!" He half shouted.

"I mean, for a little guy you have almost all of your credits. You'll be graduating out at seventeen. But," Jefferson popped the b, leaning down towards Hamilton, "I've always been one of Washington's top students~"

Hamilton hummed, rolling his eyes. "Just you wait, Jefferson." He flicked his nose.

"I'll be waitin, alright!" Jefferson cackled and shut his locker, making his happy way towards their class.

Alexander grumbled. What was the nerve of that man?

But he strode away from his locker– only to be tripped by someone. He hit the floor. God, what was with people and tripping him?!

"Watch it, freak." The random man said. Oh, that.. kinda hurt. He winced at the insult, trying to stand himself up, only to be heaved up by strong arms.

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