Handkerchief Boy (2/2) [OLD VERSION]

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After Alex had drunk the entire bottle of apple juice, he smiled at Thomas, in which seemed like a threatening innocent way. A "I can drink that bottle of apple juice as I can hide a body in a graveyard at a birthday party" way.

Thomas was quite dumbfounded. He ran a hand through his own hair and looked at Alex wide-eyed.
"Jesus Christ, that was quite... somethin'." He blurted out, causing the green hooded male to giggle and get closer to him. Thomas leaned over and kissed Alex on the lips and smiled back. The two stayed like that for more than twelve seconds after the kiss, awkwardly looking at eachother, wondering what the other would do.

Alex let out a small hum and kissed Thomas as he did to him. In no less than ten seconds Alex slid onto the Virginian's lap. Thomas grabbed Alex by the waist and pulled him closer, wrapping his arms around his body. Alex slightly blushed at this action as he pulled away for a breather. He looked up at Thomas and Thomas looked down at him, then he began to bite and kiss the Caribbean's neck. Alex let out quiet moans, wrapping his own arms around Thomas. Thomas grinned and made quite a few hickies on Alex's neck and collarbone, admiring the work he was doing.

Unfortunately for them, they had forgotten guests were coming over. By this point Alex was pressing against Thomas, getting needy for him. Lafayette knocked at the door, not once, not four times, but he knocked two- two times before he noticed the door was unlocked. He walked in and instantly looked to his right to see Alex and Thomas making out on the couch.

"Putain de merde!-" He shouted in French, astonished at the one in a million thing he'd come across.

Thomas instantly stopped making hickies on Alex's neck and the two enemies turned as red as rosebushes in the summertime. Alex fell right onto the floor and laid there while Thomas tried to pretend that he didn't know anything. Lafayette laughed a bit. "I mean, you two never told moi that you guys were together." He teased. Alex groaned and sat up, the redness wearing off. Lafayette walked in and looked around. "Thomas, you have quite a nice place." He complimented. Then as nothing, Hercules and Laurens walked in.

"Lafayette, man, what were you screaming about?" John turned to him.
"Oh nothing." He looked over at Thomas and Alex again.
"Oh hey Alex, hey Thomas." John smiled and walked to the two of them, leaning on the couch.
Hercules snickered a bit and nudged Lafayette, he got that Thomas and Alex were together, the hickies were visible to him where he was standing.

Alex looked at John and waved. "So, when are the others coming?" John asked.
"Ah, should just be a few minutes." Thomas explained, getting up from the couch. "Though in the meanwhile, let's play Jenga." He walked to a nearby closet, and opened it, looking for Jenga.

Soon then another knock appeared on the door. Lafayette trotted over and opened the door again, the Jenga game already set up. It was Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy. Eliza slightly waved and smiled.
"Yo, Laf! We're here!" Peggy said, running up to Lafayette and hugging him. "Is that long haired boy here?" Peggy asked. Lafayette corrected her and Alex stood up from his kneeling position looking at the Jenga tower structured onto the coffee table. He looked over and waved at the three. Eliza turned to Angelica. "That boy is very fine," (Not a typo) She whispered to Angelica. Angelica nodded and walked into the house, noticing Thomas at Alex's side. Thomas's eyes widened and he slumped down slightly. "Did Lafayette bring her?" He mumbled to Alex, causing Alex to look up at him in confusion. "Uh, I gotta tell Lexi here something, I'll be right back!" Thomas said quickly, grabbing Alex and yanking him into a hallway that couldn't be seen near the doorway.

"That- that woman, Angelica, I tried to y'know, flirt with her, and she ended up slapping me so hard I avoided any events that she went to. I'm utterly terrified of that Schyuler!" Thomas shook Alex slightly as he explained why he was scared of the Schyuler in reds and pinks. Alex laughed a bit. "Y-you don't believe me when I say she's scary?" Thomas asked. "N-no, not at all, it's just that maybe she can hear you from the way you're speaking, Tommy." Alex tried to hold in laughter.

Thomas walked out of the hallway, holding Alex by his hoodie. Angelica laughed a little, amused by the situation. Thomas didn't say anything, just held his words in.


Now everyone was at Thomas's, Madison, Maria, Reynolds, Etc. Alex got along with Madison and Reynolds, but Adams was a jerk. They were playing Jenga, drinking alcohol, and playing truth or dare at the same time. Well, except Aaron and Madison with games. Aaron kept looking over at Madison, gushing over him every time he got the chance to. Madison seemed to not notice. Aaron had gotten up and went to the kitchen to get another drink or something. Madison got up and went to the kitchen quietly, making sure not to make his sounds of his shoes noticeable. Aaron was met with a grab to his hand and a pull to another room. In those seconds he didn't know if he even remembered what happened and where they went with all the drinking he did, even if he was used to alcohol, and could get sober and stay sober easily. Madison pinned Aaron to the wall, they were in the guest room that Thomas never had used. Aaron looked at Madison, and started to blush.

"L-look, I know you like me but you just have to tell me already." Madison held Aaron's hands.
"H-how did you know?" Aaron replied.
"I know the way you look at me. I just need to know if it's true." Madison looked back at Aaron.
"I... I do like you."
Madison grabbed Aaron and smashed their lips together, Aaron melting into the kiss like he'd had been with Madison before.

A couple of minutes later, Maria got very drunk and decided to go upstairs and go to the bathroom to get some Pepto Bismol. On the way she passed the guest room, and she saw a lot. Maria in instinct whipped out her phone and took a picture of Aaron and Madison, she had drunkenly giggled, and since Aaron and Madison were occupied she closed the guest door for them and walked off to the bathroom.

Maria was definitely going to show that to the others. And she might suggest to the two of them to make sure if they cleaned up the place afterwards.

(Translation for french:
"Putain de merde!"
Fucking shit/ Holy shit )

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