Chapter 2 - Why Am I Crushing on My Boss?

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Lisa's POV

Sure, this is another disaster for me. On a second thought, my new boss could be my motivation too. She's exuding hotness, I would say. No, I'm not even talking about anything sexual. She's something else. Someone you don't want to mess up with...yet you'd like to catch her attention. And the only way to do that is to break the rules.

It's the third day that she's here. No one dared to arrive late. Well, I almost did but I'm a buzzer beater for a reason. I made it on time. Literally on time with a few beads of sweat in my forehead. I needed to walk fast. I almost ran. LOL!

"Hey Lisa. Boss wanted a word with you. She's waiting at her office."

Her secretary phoned me after a few minutes.

Shit. This ain't good.

Jennie's POV

That girl is such a mess. Can't even come to work early enough to not be running her ass off. I need to be clear with her that that kind of behavior won't work with me.

I heard a knock on my door.

I didn't respond. I buzzed my secretary to tell the person to come in.

Lisa came in. Oh how can I not know her name. I asked their previous boss who are the troublemakers in his office, Lisa was first on the list.

"Miss Manoban. Do you know why I called you here?" I asked in a stern voice.

"I don't think so, boss." She replied with plain innocence which kinda irritated me.

But I'm so used to dealing with employees like her.

"Take a seat. I'll make this quick."

"I'm all ears Ms. Kim." I heard her say.

Patience Jennie..patience. I had to remind myself. I didn't have a good sleep because my younger sister was in the hospital. Although I didn't need to be there, I chose to take care of her.

I might have a steel heart at work but when it comes to my sister, I'm just an unnie who will do everything to make sure she is fine.

Before I can already tell my life story, I glanced back to Lisa. She's looking at me as if waiting for what I have to say.

"I want all those under me to be at work on time. On time means they should start working the exact minute that they're getting paid. Are we clear, Ms. Manoban?"

"Y-yes ma'am." She looks quite scared. Weird girl.

"That's all. You can leave." I told her. I was expecting for her to be on her feet and be outta my door.

Oh well, what do you expect out of a troublemaker anyways?

"Ms. Kim, can I ask you a question?"

I sighed yet stared at her and nodded.

"Do you know that you're very attractive? I'm sorry I just can't help but tell it to you."

She's not even joking. She looks serious. God.

"Ms. Manoban, do you think it's appropriate for you to be saying something like that to your boss?"

The truth is I'm trying to stop myself from smiling. It's nice to hear compliments sometimes. Although I know for a fact that I'm dead gorgeous. That's not even necessary to mention but when someone says it, it's still something.

"Well...I don't think there's something wrong with what I said. Because you truly are very pretty. Nonetheless, if you find what I said inappropriate, I'm asking for an apology."

With that she went to the door and left.

Weird Lisa Manoban.

Lisa's POV

Silly me. Where did I get the courage to even say things like that to my boss?!

Fuck. I'm crushing hard on her for sure. I really like smart and pretty women. I find them really cool. But I've never met someone with a personality as interesting as Ms. Kim.

I can tell she's not straight. Maybe more into guys, but still, she's not 100% into them for sure. For some reason that excites me.

As if someone like her would even pay attention to someone like me. I'm nowhere far from ordinary. Too bad.

Jennie's POV

I was about to go home. Most of the time I make sure that everyone has already left before I go out of my office. I was surprised to see Lisa is still in her station and seems too serious looking at her computer screen.

She didn't notice me I guess. I went near her. She's facing the other way so there's a very low chance she would see me.

I almost smacked her head when I saw what's on her screen.

"Ms. Manoban!!!" My voice went louder than usual.

I heard her say "Oh shit. I'm so dead."

On her screen are my photos from different company events that I attended.

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