Chapter 14 - Me or Your Pride?

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Jennie's POV

What came into me to ask Lisa to come to my house just like that?! I didn't wait for her response. I don't want to be disappointed nor elated just yet. I want to know the answer if she'd show up or not later.

I was planning to cook some dishes that I like. I don't know what her favorites are so maybe she can just eat what I love eating. But I was too tired to do that. I ordered online instead.

All the food arrived before 7PM. Thank goodness. I decided to take a quick shower after putting them all on top of my kitchen table. I haven't taken them out yet and moved them to a bowl or something. I'm too lazy to do that. But it's obvious it's for more than one person.

So I really was hoping Lisa would not decline me.

I can't help but feel excited. I wish I didn't feel this way at all because I'm really scared to get disappointed and get hurt. But here I am putting myself in the open and waiting how things would turn out. It's not as if we would jump right away into a relationship, yeah? This is just me giving myself a chance to happiness.

I was even humming while taking a shower, which I rarely do, unless I'm pretty looking forward to something. God, what's happening to me?!

After taking a shower, I checked my phone to see if Lisa might've sent me a message or if I missed her call. Nothing.

Hmmmm.. it's already half past seven. I'm starting to get anxious. Should I call her?

No. That would be so pathetic. If she won't show up then I will just eat and sleep. It doesn't matter. I tried to convince myself.

When I told her that we need to talk, I don't even know what exactly are we supposed to talk about. What's going on with me is not even something I can control now. I've been acting impulsively. Not so Jennie Kim.

Time passed by and it's quite dragging. It's almost a quarter past 8PM. I even put on a light make up. I mocked myself what I even did that for. Lisa is not coming.

I was already waiting in my living room. Most of the time this is a comfortable spot for me. But right now, it doesn't seem  to be so. I stand up every now and then and walked to check my porch. Nothing. No one is there. No one would come Jennie. Lisa won't come. Fuck it.

I went back to sit on the couch and opened the last message that she sent me.

"But for once, I will tell you this and move on.

I like you so much. And I think I even fell in love with you no matter how inappropriate you think that might be."

Of course Jennie, she had moved on. Her bringing you coffee this morning doesn't mean anything. And you hugged her. Maybe she was just forced to hug you back.

I felt my tears streaming down my face. I should have not allowed myself to be weak and vulnerable. I started scolding myself for letting my guard down, for believing someone is actually willing to love me unconditionally and for wanting to be loved. Those shit are not for me obviously. I should've known better! 😭


Lisa's POV

I went to our house first. I'm sure it won't take that long. I can just eat a little and hear what my mother had to say. Unfortunately, her meeting with an important business partner took longer than expected. It was almost 8 in the evening when we are finally at the dining table. Dad isn't home. She said he's out of town.

I was trying to rush but my mom is not having any of it.

"Lisa, eat properly. Look how thin you are. I'm sure you rarely eat something good. You can barely cook. And outside food is no compare to what you should be eating here if you're not hard-headed and decided to live on your own."

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