Chapter 19 - The Chase

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Lisa's POV

My own mom almost spilled the truth to Jennie. Hopefully Jennie didn't recognize her voice or hear the rest of what my mom said.

I don't want anyone to know just yet who I really am in the company. Not even Jennie. All the more now with what's happening between the two of us.

I might regret my decision of stopping whatever relationship we have. I'm not even sure if we are official. She said she loves me too when I told her I love her. Maybe I was the only one who thinks we are together.

I still can't shake off the way she looked so mad and frustrated when I showed up at her house to see her. If she did the same to me and came to my apartment unexpectedly, I would sure be jumping with joy.

See the difference? I'm head over heels for her. However, she just use me for her convenience. I hate to use the word "use" but that's how I feel. She pulls me to her when she needs comforting and then once she's done, I'm off to the garbage bin just like the food she prepared last time.

Just when I was slowly trying to fix myself thinking someone would be proud of me. I'm such an idiot and almost naive.

Maybe I need a whole week to recover and then I can go back to work. Hopefully by then I am not under her department anymore. I don't think I can bear seeing her.

I want to be over my feelings for her as soon as possible. Sure we will bump into each other in the office or something. That's pretty unavoidable, but I just need time to be okay with it. For me to not be wanting to be close to her the moment that I see her.

She still sends me messages nonstop. She wants us to talk. But what for? I swear if I agree to see her now, I will just change my mind and reconcile with her again. That's how weak I am around her. When she's happy, I am happy.

Jennie's POV

It was quite a struggle for me to focus with my meetings but I did pull off just fine. I even received a few compliments from those who attended.

But this situation with Lisa is totally driving me crazy. I need to see her and badly need to explain myself. We can't just end things like that! I know I'm the one at fault but...can she not forgive me anymore? 🥺

I have an access to the file of those employees under me so hopefully HR team is not that fast to move her and her information to the other department. I will go to her place if I have to.

Before I can even start going through the file, my phone starts ringing. It's an unknown number. I hate seeing an unsaved contact calling me. I rarely pick up. But this time I answered it because I got a little curious who it was.

"Hello? Who's this?"

"It's so nice to hear your voice even if it's just over the phone."

It's the guy. What does he want?!

I didn't say anything more but I didn't hang up either.

"You know what's odd? I was fine watching you from afar all this time. Not until I saw that girl who I would like to assume is pursuing you. I don't like how you're looking at her. You never looked at me that way."

I continued listening. It's giving me the chills. This is someone I used to order around to do things for me and to satisfy me. I cringe at the thought. Because I avoided attachment and being in love, this was what I chose to ease my stress and frustrations. I never thought it would be too complicated.

Now the ghost of my own choices is haunting me.

"Are you in a relationship with her?"

I'm still not responding.

"I don't want you to think I'm someone harmful, Jennie. But you know how I adore you and I can do anything to make sure you're not owned by somebody else until you realize that I'm the only one who can make you happy."

This obsessed sick freak!

"What do you want?" I asked in a calm voice.

"You. I want you."

"That will never happen! I told you before and I will tell you again now, our setup was pure physical. I can never reciprocate the so-called feelings that you have for me."

"You're wrong! You are only saying that because you never gave us a chance."

I'm losing my patience.

"What exactly do you want?!"

" my bed every night. Just like before. You know I can satisfy you."


"Stop this. I am...I can't do that anymore."

"Why?! Is it because of that girl?!"

"It's none of your business. Don't call me again or come to my house or anywhere near me."

I ended the call and blocked his number.

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