M6 waking you up

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Uh hi, long time no see, life's a bitch but I'm not dead (Shockingly) I'm currently sick as I'm finishing this up, I'm doing the editing since my editor has Covid (Get better soon Allen) and I have a stomach bug so bad it's making me suffer to the point a doctor's trip will be made soon.

But anyway I should be alright soon enough, enough about me lets go to the chapter vote

M6 on their days off


Courtiers on their days off


Asra is always gentle when waking you up, soft movements and gentle words, slowly drawing you out of the land of dreams. He usually has some type of drink or breakfast set up for you either with him or at the table for you both to enjoy.

Faust on the other hand gets snek zoomies and will use your body like her personal race track. It's actually a rather comforting experience, kinda like someone was rubbing their hand up and down you as if giving you a massage. But it is a rather funny experience to witness. It's just this severely happy snake wiggling along you. When she finally notices you are awake she goes up to your face and gets some cuddles before letting you up.

Sometimes she gets you when Asra isn't there, other times she does it because she wants to. But the truth of the matter is, when they both get you up, it's chaotic. Asra would be trying not to laugh as he gently wakes you up but then there is Faust doing her zoomies and zipping along you, in the end you usually would get woken up by Asra's loud laughter as Faust decides she is queen of the shop. (as if it was up for debate at all)  


Julian can actually be rather nice when waking you up, soft cuddles as you both wake up and soft kisses along your hand like a gentleman. He usually gets up early just because of his schedule and how he is a workaholic but he does wait until you get up before he moves.

There are days though where he is clumsier than usual and you hear him knock something over or he is hungover and has a sway to his step. Times like that if Julian didn't get you up, Malak does.

Malak usually just screeches as a wake up call but on choice days he'll go and drop from his perch in the rafters or from outside and just hop onto the bed, sometimes he'll bask in some affection and others he'll just knudge you until you get up. He can be kind when he wants.

Malak and Julian don't ever wake you at the same time just because of the fact that one of them wakes you before they both can do it, either Malak screeches or Julian nearly trips, just something happens that causes the other to wake you up before they both can. It's a funny sight either way because then they seem to have some sort of argument over it.


Nadia usually has to get up rather early because of her duties as countess but sometimes she sleeps in with you. On days when she sleeps in then it's whatever servant is tasked with knocking on the door to get her up wakes you up.

But on most days, she'll get up before you and get ready before leaving, starting her work, then going and requesting a meal in bed for you as she goes to wake you up. She's soft with it, more soft words and pet names than gentle touches. She'll usually put her hand on your arm or something and just quietly talk until you wake up.

Chandra doesn't usually get you up at all. Most of the time she is just doing her own thing, whether that be sleeping, going for a bit of a flight, or just her doing a task for Nadia. But sometimes she will get you up and she does it by just flying in the room and landing next to you. She'll go and gently nudge and groom your appearance a bit, her putting clothing bits in place, fixing hairs, making sure you're comfortable, care stuff like that. Eventually you'll just wake up during the process and she'll finish up before nipping you gently and flying off.

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