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Ok first of all, did I just listen to the entire Hamilton soundtrack, watch the entire musical, and do all my schoolwork while eating pasta salad?
Yes, yes I did.

Second, I am currently getting over being sick I'm so sorry about not posting anything

Third, school has been kicking my ass and giving me many assignments to do in a short period of time but I should have a chapter out soon.

Lastly a few questions for you, more of a list but still here:

Have you ate today?

Have you drank water today?

Have you gotten a decent amount of sleep today?

Do you have your work for today done?

Have you taken a self care day recently?

Have you had a good laugh recently?

Have you been happy recently?

Have you smiled a true happy smile recently?

If you said "No" to any of them, how about you do something for me, take a second: take a deep breath and slowly let it out. Just take a few moments to realize you're worth millions, and take it easy for a bit.

If work or school is messing with you, take a moment and list your work by priorities, take breaks in between assignments. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

If there are other reasons then take a moment and do what makes you happy, that could be making yourself a drink, texting some true friends, making a pillow fort, or something along those lines.

Everyone has bad times, but what matters is that you remember something:

Everything will get better with time, it may not feel like it while your in the bad time or it's all too much to think about but I promise you it will get better. There are people out in the world that care for you, and in the end the bad will be defeated by the good.

You see....everything comes to a end, yes that includes good things but better things are going to come. In the end we are all going to experience terrible times in our lives but after every bad thing something good comes from it.

In truth, you might think a day is the worst day of your life, but its the worst day in your life so far, your life continues on and there is always a chance for a good thing to happen. And that good thing can help you in life, there always will be bad things in life but also there is always good things to come from them.

Remember nobody, no matter what anything or anyone might claim, nobody is perfect, everyone has flaws and that is what makes us human, thats what makes us who we are. Don't let others bring you down instead let yourself realize that your "flaws" are what make you amazing and they are what make you who you are.

Just thought some people need to hear that, I know these times are tough and I agree they are. But when in doubt: everyone can be the distinct thing or feature that can change the world.

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