When your jealous

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Requested by: alienxship
Hope you like it!


You were coming into the shop after a market run for Asra, when you opened the door you saw a customer getting a bit too touchy with Asra. Asra was doing nothing to stop it and instead was keeping the conversation up and going not noticing you there. You could feel something you never thought you would experience with a kinda normal scenario like this: you felt jealously building up inside you. You went over and was going to say something until Asra finished up the order and the customer left. Asra just looked at you and smirks "I didn't know you got jealous that quickly" you looked shocked "h-how?" Your partner chuckles and speaks "Magic can do wondrous things dear, now lets go get some pumpkin bread"


You and Julian both got jealous often, it was basically a normal for it to happen. Today was especially bothering you since you and Julian were spending a date night together at the beach. (for once instead of the Rowdy Raven) And this stranger didn't seem to get the hint that he was taken and wasn't interested. You didn't want to assume or be THAT type of person, so in turn you kinda just pouted near Julian. The stranger noticed you and so did Julian, The stranger thought you were just awkward but Julian thought something was wrong and pulled you into his lap and did his usual check over for you. The stranger got the hint and apologized and left as Julian found it adorable that you were jealous.


It was rare for you to get jealous over something or someone. But....today was different, no one was flirting with Nadia or anything instead some guards weren't letting you into a meeting you had to be in with Nadia. And you could hear Nadia's laughter and got jealous that someone else got to see the side of Nadia she rarely let out. Soon though Valerius who got a LOT more kind to you after you and Nadia became public got you in. Nadia noticed you instantly and spoke up "Oh there you are my dearest, Guards causing you trouble again?" You nod and smile, it must not have been convincing since she set her tea down and excused herself outside for a bit. She ordered the guards to leave before pulling you close by your waist "Whats wrong Y/n?" You look her in the eyes and know there is no point in lying, you end up completely explaining your jealousy and explained how you knew it was stupid to be jealous of it. She just left kisses on your cheek and neck before speaking "its not stupid, its reasonable love" she kissed you before bringing you both inside again and you all started the meeting.


You can't believe this, you got jealous over your girlfriend paying attention to her own brother more than you. Granted Portia usually brings you into conversations or to help with a case like this where Ilya broke in through a window injured somehow. But this time she didn't since it wasn't as serious and just as soon as it started it was gone and Portia immediately went over to you to rant like usual. Midway through her rant she noticed your off behavior and wouldn't leave you alone until you told her. "Portia, its stupid trust me its nothing important" "Nonsense Y/n, what is it?" You sigh before explaining, she just giggles and gives you a kiss, it was light and gentle but full of love. "That wasn't stupid! it was reasonable, if you wanted attention you could have just told me!" She spent the rest of the night and most of the morning before work giving you cuddles and kisses.


This was one of the uncommon times Muriel was out in town with you in broad daylight. And there was this person going around touching people without permission and making overall everyone uncomfortable. This person went up to Muriel while you were buying some stuff for Asra and Muriel, and began kinda just stroking his arm and shoulders. Once you turned around you couldn't help but get a tiny.....tiny.....tiny..... bit jealous about it and went over to them. Jumping up and kissing Muriel's cheek over one of his scars "babe is that all for this stall?" His face was bright red as he nods, the person scoffed but backed off which instantly helped your jealousy.


You can't believe it....you were jealous over 2 dogs, specifically Mercedes and Melchior. Who today and all of yesterday had ALL of Lucio's attention which made you upset and believe it or not, jealous. So in return you did what you usually did while jealous or upset with Lucio: you ignored him. That small act immediately got Lucio's attention that night and soon enough his whiny tone he takes when you do this is heard from across the room "Y/n! I demand you tell me why you're ignoring me!" You stay quiet until he pulls you into a rather heated makeout session. The taste of pomegranates fill your tastebuds and you can't help but enjoy it. Once you do split he leaves a few hickeys on your neck before you snap and tell him. You could basically feel his ego rising as he brought you into yet another steamy makeout session before splitting it again. "You don't have to be jealous, if you want attention that much how about I prove why you have my attention?" You were going to ask what he meant but ended up being silenced by his lips on yours, lets just say niether of you slept that night and night patrol REALLY don't like you two right now.

Hope you liked it! Sorry it took awhile School is really kicking my ass along with other household chores, etc.

Who wants me to do full blown lemon/smut chapters of these 6? If so who should I start with?

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