Chapter 4

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I read the text from an unknown number. The text goes ... "How are you ? I haven't seen you in a while. Are you OK? I hurriedly remove the "read" notification on my Samsung phone so the unknown sender won't know I'm reading his/her text. The unknown number sent 2 more texts.

" Do you want me to bring you an iced americano after my shift? I'm almost done. If you want to come out, or can I bring it to your apartment? The unknown sender is Young Jae. My heart skipped a bit when I realized who was sending me these texts. ***Thinking*** He's so thoughtful to think of me. I replied to his text "you can come over" with a smiley and heart emoji. Then I realized what I did. Why would I send him a heart emoji? He might think I'm into him." Am I ? **.Aisch! I tried to retract my text, but he had already read it. He sent another text, "omw," he said. I got up and put all the dishes in the sink and tried to clean up. I ran to my room to change, *thinking* what would I wear? " Should I wear something sexy? No, of course not. I'm not seducing him. Something pretty? Oh no, I don't want him to think I'm too excited to see him. I settled for something casual; skinny jeans and my college varsity shirt that reads LEE-88 on the back. I applied a little bit of powder on my face, lip tint, and blush.

My doorbell rang. It's Young Jae. I opened the door for him, his hands full with 2 iced Americanos on the left and a box of chicken on the right. " I'm delivering food for Ms. Lee," he jokingly said. I smiled and grabbed the iced Americanos from his hand. He sat on the couch while looking around. " Your place looks different now." "What? because I don't have the big luggage in the living room anymore. "Yes, it makes a big difference," he said.

"How are you?" I asked, trying not to be awkward while asking him.
I'm good and busy with work. "
You shouldn't have brought these for me if you're busy." It's OK, I'm always available for my friends.
"Hmm, friend. ***thinking** Oh no, I didn't mean to say that out loud. What do you mean? He asked. Oh, nothing I said.
3 hours had passed after we had dinner and iced americano. " I think I need to take a walk. I won't be able to sleep because of the caffeine," blaming the iced americano. But in the back of my mind, I won't be able to sleep because of him. I haven't been this happy and comfortable with somebody. Not with my first boyfriend, Chen, in high school, and not with David.
" Do you have to work tomorrow?

"Yeah, I have work and school tomorrow. " 

Then you should get going," I said. "

"Oh, I thought we were taking a walk"? 

I smiled and said, " I'm taking a walk, not you silly."

"No, I can't let you walk by yourself, it's late," Youngjae said, being a gentleman.

"I'm not going for a long walk; I will just walk to the park across the street and back, or how about I walk with you to your dorm," I said. 

" Shouldn't it be the other way around?" he said. He finally gave in and said, " Let's walk each other to our apartments."
While walking, I was thinking, I don't want this to end. 3 blocks are too short. We finally reached his apartment. He asked me if I wanted to come in. I hesitated because it was late and I don't want to disturb his roommates. 

"Uhm, you think it will be OK? I just want to take a peek at your apartment, and I'll leave right away".
"They're probably not home. Jin is still out. He said he'd be late. Hyon and Kai are probably asleep, and Nico is probably out on a date. 

" Uh ok."
The smell of the boys' room greeted me as Youngjae opened the door. The mixed smell of sweat and boys' deodorant I remember smelling this from the boys' locker room across from our locker room during my high-school varsity days. There are 2 rooms in the apartment. Jin and Youngjae share a room while the other 3 sleep in the other room.

"Can I see your room?" I jokingly asked. " 

"There's nothing special to see in my room, um, OK, you can come in. There are 2 beds in the room; one is neatly fixed and the other is a mess. I was hoping the neat bed was his. 

" Which side is yours ?" " This one," pointing to the neatly tucked bed. I sat on his bed and noticed that his bed and pillow covers were worn, but they smelled clean.

" I should go. Thank you for today, for the food, and for keeping me company. And you should rest. You're probably tired from your shift today. 

"OK, let's go," he said.
" Where are you going? I asked
, "I'm walking back with you to your apartment. 

Laughingly I said ", then it will be a never-ending process".
" Don't worry about me, and besides, it's only 3 blocks away." Youngjae was still undecided if he would let me walk back by myself.

"Fine, I will let you walk back, but only if you do this." 

" What??" I asked. 

"We will be talking on the phone while you're walking back to your apartment."

" Haven't you had enough of me for today?" 

"Nope, not at all. I can talk to you for days non-stop if you'll let me. I was surprised by what he said. I quickly dismissed it.

We talked and laughed on the phone while I was on my way back to my apartment. I overheard Jin come in. "Who is that?" he asked. " My friend," Youngjae answered. 

I said my goodbye, " anyeong chingu, Jalja (good night)" and hung up as soon as I got inside my apartment.
I was thinking: why didn't he tell Jin that I was the one on the line, and what did he mean when he said he could talk to me nonstop for days if I'd let him? Maybe I'm overthinking all these things.

Meanwhile, back at Youngjae and Jin's apartment, " Bro, I heard from Hyon that you and my cousin are getting comfortable with each other ." 

"Hyung" (referring to Jin since he's older), what do you mean ?"

"I mean, do you like my cousin? I hope you remember why she's here in Seoul"; plus you're already dating someone right? "

" Hyung, I broke up with Aera 4 months ago because she was cheating on me." And Nessa... Uhm, I don't know. Maybe you're right. I'm getting comfortable with her.

"Youngjae, maybe you need to slow down with this. My cousin has been through a lot. She's here to heal; she doesn't need another headache. " Youngjae was thinking, "Can't I help her heal?"
"OK hyung," Youngjae replied .

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