Chapter 8: Warning - mature contents

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After visiting his folks, YJ took me to Apsan Mountain. Where we took the city bus tour and the cable car ride. The scenery of Apsan mountain was breathtaking, as I was standing and admiring the beauty of the mountain he pulled me by the bench to sit down. He took out a box containing two rings. It was a pair of couple's rings that he bought for us. I was surprised by the gesture since it was still early in our relationship. But it gave me confidence that he is thinking long-term. He shyly took the rings out of the box, gave me the ring for him, and placed the other one on my left ring finger. I carefully placed the other ring on his left ring finger. I was grinning from ear to ear admiring the ring surrounded by magnificent scenery, it was PERFECT. 

When we were done with the trip, we decided to go home. But we were both so tired at the KTX station that he suggested we stay in a travel inn for the night. We grazed something to eat before heading to the inn and suggested getting wine or soju as I have trouble sleeping in places like this.

We checked in at an old-style Guest House/Bed and Breakfast.  YJ was so awkward in asking me if I wanted 2 separate beds or 1. 

"Babe, one bed is fine, and don't worry, I don't bite," I joked. 

We headed to room 43, YJ was still awkward in the room, and I was surprisingly calm. He handed me one of his shirts that he got from his house to wear to sleep as I went to the bathroom to shower and freshen up. I came out of the bathroom wearing YJ's white shirt only, exposing my bare thighs. The shirt was obviously big for me but not enough to cover. I could feel YJ's gaze as I came out of the bathroom. I jokingly posed for him like a model just to break the ice. The intensity of his stare makes me blush. I prodded him to go to the shower so he could freshen up. 

YJ came out of the shower and saw me drinking the soju already. "Yah !, slow down, don't get drunk on me now," he said. 

"Arasseo, arasseo" (I know) I replied.

I was feeling woozy from drinking the soju too fast. I leaned back on the couch and got a full view of YJ as he walked toward me. I was blown away by the sight of his naked chest, still slightly damp from the shower. I suddenly felt warm in my body. The heat started to build up at my core belly. I uttered, "You looked hot." I was surprised by my boldness. My mind started to fill with dirty thoughts of YJ, putting me in a trance. I quickly snapped out of it as he suddenly took the bottle of soju from me. He chugged it down, finishing the whole bottle. I could feel the tension filling the room. He then sat beside me on the couch. Our skin touched and his manly scent contributed to my growing lust. I haven't felt this way toward a guy before. He leaned in to kiss me on my shoulder, the neck, and behind my ear, propelling pleasure through my body. His hand started to wander, landing on my back and pulling my body towards him. 

He then whispered, " Are you sure you want this to happen?" 

While breathing heavily, I said yes. He led me to the bed, and pushed me, lightly landing on my back. He started removing my shirt revealing my bare chest and body. He then climbs on top of me, pressing his body against mine. I could feel my heartbeat getting stronger and faster. His hand started to wander again, this time landing on my thigh, his fingers sliding in my silky lace and pulling it down. My firm grasp is on him getting stronger. 

I whispered something to him, "Will it hurt"?

 He pulled back a little and planted a kiss on my lips, and he whispered back " I'll be slow and gentle." He approaches it slowly with his instrument in hand. I can feel my body getting tense. and he told me to relax. "Let me know if I'm hurting you."

" I let out a whimper and told him no. He gently spreads my knees apart, and with one more stroke he's in. I can feel his glide, slow, up and down. The sensation is unimaginable, sending shivers down my body. His thrust was getting harder and faster this time and he was getting out of breath sensing that he was nearing the edge, and with one more blow he let out a low groan. 

Both of us were so tired after the euphoric experience. He planted a kiss on my forehead and asked, "How was it ?" 

I covered my face from embarrassment. " Beyond my imagination", and I laughed. " I need to watch X-rated movies so I know what to do next time." YJ laughed at my innocent remarks. "

"Don't worry, you were good for a first-timer," and he laughed again. " 

I hit him on his arm, "Yah, how many first-timers have you had?" He hugged me and then said, " Only one, you."

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