Chapter 17

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Our flight landed at LAX after 16 hours, and the twins were starting to get restless and cranky. It has been four years since I was here in LA. Eomma hasn't seen the twins since last year, when she visited me in Seoul. The kids were so excited to see her that they were talking nonstop about her.

Then I remembered, "I better call my husband after we pass customs so he won't worry." I've called YJ three times, but he's not picking up. He probably has no signal where he is. The twins yelled "Halmoni" as soon as they saw Eomma and excitedly ran towards her, giving her a big hug.

We arrived at our house in Brentwood. I thought the house was still the same, except that the plants and trees around it have grown enormously. I heard my phone ring. It was YJ calling. I picked up the call: 

"Babe, how are you and the kids?" Is everything alright? I had a bad reception and didn't know that you called three times." He asked in a worried voice.

"Hi Babe, we're good; we're actually here already in the house." The twins are tired from the flight, so they're taking a nap. They behaved most of the time, but you know how kids are. I just had them watch a movie on their tablets. Senna was throwing a tantrum, and Kobe scolded her.

"I am worried that the twins will give you a hard time during the flight. Why was Senna throwing a tantrum?

She said, "How come we're not with you on the flight?" Kobe told her that the plane you're riding is going in a different direction. It's like Appa is going to Daegu and Mom and we are going to Busan. I laughed so hard at Kobe's explanation, but Senna took it.

"I'm so sorry you had to fly to LA without me. I was hoping you and the kids could join me on the company plane".

" Of course, I would have loved that, but you know, I'd rather fly commercial with the kids than be on the same flight with that b*tch.

" Babe you still mad at her? You know, our relationship is purely business. Nothing else."

"I'm not worried about you; I'm worried about her." If she pulls the same stunt as last time, I don't think I can restrain myself anymore. And you don't even have a business relationship with her, get it?

"Areseao, araseo!" YJ laughing.

"You know you're so cute when you're mad and jealous." I'm cute even when I'm not mad. We both laughed.

"Anyway, Babe, would it be OK if I left the kids with Eomma tomorrow? My dad is arriving from his trip. I don't think I'm ready to talk to him yet, so I'll stay at our house in San Marino. The kids want to stay with Eomma for one more day. You know how they miss each other.

"That's fine, Babe, but would you be alright by yourself?"

"Well, I'll probably be sad and lonely by myself." Maybe I should just drink soju and sleep better.

Yah! What did I tell you about getting drunk by yourself?

"Babe, I'm just kidding, but honestly, I probably won't be able to sleep well since both you and the kids are away from me. I always worry when you guys are away".

"Ok, I'll check on you again later; they're calling me right now." I have to check the sound system for the venue. Babe, I'll talk to you later.

I love you. I was waiting for him to respond to what I said but he quickly hung up. I'm thinking he's probably in a hurry.

YJ seems different these days; I can't put my finger on it. He seems to be more distracted. He doesn't respond to me when I say, "I love you." Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

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