Chapter 19

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"Now I feel bad, you reached out to me too but I didn't know."

"That's what I'm saying it's not meant to be."

"Is it right person but wrong timing"


"Did you like me then? Uhm, sorry what I meant was if I was your favorite BTS."

"I wouldn't have been nervous when I first met you if I didn't, you're my bias for crying out loud."

Namjoon and Jhope approached us as soon as they saw us talking.

"Hyung is that who I think it is?"

"Namjoon-a. Yes, that's her".

"Ok, now I'm lost ... you know me too?"

"Yes, we all know you because Yoongi Hyung was looking for you all this time".

"Jin approached us as soon as he saw me talking to Yoongi"

"Hey Yoongi I saw you've met my sister, Nessa"

"You two are siblings?"

"We're actually cousins, but we're so close that we always introduced each other as siblings".

"So all this time you were just a stone's throw away and I didn't even know".

YJ came and interrupted our conversation, "so what are you guys talking about?"

"Hi Babe, it's nothing Mr. Min was just telling me about places he's been to in LA".

"Yoongi do you know my wife over here is a big fan of yours?"

Yoongi replied "No, I thought she just liked BTS as a whole and she was being polite when she said I'm her bias. I didn't realize she liked me in particular."

"She does, she kept telling me and her friends when she met you at KCON in 2016".

I was quiet and embarrassed for a while, then I said, "I think we need to get going, it's getting late. Nice to meet you again Mr. Min. I'll see you around".

Then YJ said, "Oh, wait, Babe, I need to say Bye to the other guests just wait here ok". 

Yoongi was just looking at me and not saying a word. There was an awkward silence between us.

He saw that I was annoyed with what YJ did.

"I noticed he kept leaving you by yourself. Are you going to follow him? Because if it's me I won't leave you here with another man".

"Yoongi, please stop. I'm already pissed at him. Unless you want to be a casualty of my brewing anger".

Yoongi put his hands in the air as if surrendering.

I decided to go and look for YJ, he was nowhere to be found. I asked around but nobody knew where he was. I went out to the lobby and saw a couple making out in the corner. The guy looks like YJ from afar. I went closer to see who they were. It was definitely YJ and not surprisingly the girl was Aera. But before I could get any closer, a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me. It was Yoongi.

"Don't go there, it's not worth looking at".

I was silent as I felt humiliated by what happened. Yoongi led me to the private function room and helped me sit on the couch. I was shaking from anger, I felt my blood rush to my head and was ready to explode. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. Yoongi never left my side until I was able to calm myself down. YJ was texting and calling looking for me.


YJ- Where are you, I thought we were leaving. where did you go

Nessa- I already left, I was too tired,  get a ride to the hotel from one of your friends. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

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