Chapter 9

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My relationship with YJ continued, often visiting him at the convenience store. 

"Babe, you think I can do this job? Maybe I can apply. I'm so bored at home, I might as well do something productive and earn money at the same time."

"Are you sure? This is not something that you're used to."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, this is hard labor. You have to lift heavy stuff from the floor. Stock on the supplies, and the hardest part is to deal with difficult customers."

"I think I can do that. Will you put in a good word for me to the manager?"

"Ok, I will let you do it as long as you don't take the night shift. There are a lot of as*h*le customers at night and I don't want you dealing with them."

"If you say so, boss."

I took over YJ's job at the convenience store to keep me busy and help support our expenses. Like YJ warned me, I sometimes had to deal with difficult customers. Some of them underestimate my capacity to speak Korean since I look more white than Korean. There are also guys who try to hit on me and ask me out on a date, but I try to be as polite as possible in declining them.

"Hey Miss, can I get your number? Can we go out on a date?"

"Excuse me, sir, here's your card. If you don't need anything else, can you move out of the counter already because there are a lot of customers in line waiting to pay"

"Miss, just give me your number and I will be right out of your hair."

"Sorry, sir, I don't give my number to strangers."

At around the same time, I was arguing with the customer asking for my number when YJ walked in to pick me up.

"Excuse me, buddy, can you stop bugging my girlfriend right now? I think she made herself clear she's not giving her phone number." and that's the only thing that made the guy stop. Babe, I'm a little bit concerned about these guys constantly bugging you for your number or flirting with you. I think you need to stop working here and just stay home."

"But Babe, it's boring at home. Just let me work a few more months until school starts. I already got my acceptance letter. I just need 1 semester of refresher courses and then I can start with my last clinical rotation". Eomma said she will help me with my tuition fees. 

"Fine, just 2 more months and that's it.  And make sure you're wearing your "ring" so they know you're taken. Got it."

"I'm always wearing it, I don't even take it off"

The next few months were amazingly blissful. I continued working at the convenience store. Youngjae moved in with me, and we were living like young married couples. YJ loves the idea of playing house. He comes home to a "wife" and me cooking for my "husband". YJ is the better cook, but he lets me experiment with new recipes. I especially love his japchae, which he cooks for me once a month on the 22nd to celebrate our monthly anniversary. We also set a rule that we have at least one meal together, and most of the time its dinner. He's always excited to come home at the end of the day to be with me. 

We had disagreements and misunderstandings, but overall it was good. YJ started working for HB Entertainment as a trainee producer and songwriter, producing songs for  K-pop celebrities. When we started dating, he would always tell me that it was his dream to be a famous songwriter, but now he wants to do better, to be a producer and earn money because he wants to be able to buy a house and provide for me when we get married.

"I want you to continue living like a princess like what you're used to."

"Babe, did you say princess? I'm nowhere near being a princess. Maybe my family treats me like one, but does a princess play basketball? Baby, my jump is so high that I can bury a jumper Oh, and not to mention my rebound, do you want me to continue "?

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