Chapter 7

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Dinner was done and everyone was relaxing after a full meal. I got up and asked Bern to go with me to the store to get alcohol.

"We'll go to the store, guys, to get booze."

"I'll go with you so I can help you carry the bottles," volunteered YJ.

" Can I come too?" asked Jung Hyon. 

"Of course," I replied.

While the four of us were walking toward the store, YJ and I were just quiet while the other two were giggling while sharing stories. YJ snagged my hand and had his fingers intertwined with mine. We reached the store and went inside to get soju, wine, and beer.

We went back to my apartment, where the other guys were waiting.

 Everyone helped themselves with a drink.

I reached out for the soju, but YJ took it from my hand. He whispered, "You're only having wine tonight."

"But it's my birthday; I can have some".

"Ok, fine, but you're not having the whole bottle," he laughed.

Everyone was bored, so Bern suggested that we play a game. " What game are we playing ?"

"How about Never Have I Ever, Truth or Dare?" Everyone liked the idea.

The first game was "Never Have I Ever." " Does everyone know the rules of the game?"

"You can take a drink if you have done what the person is asking. " No judgment here so you can answer it as truthfully as you can. " I started with the question, " Never have I ever gone skinny dipping." Nico took a shot of the soju, and so did Jung Hyon. We all laughed at them. Nico and Jung Hyon explained that they were drunk at that time and were dared by their friends to go skinny dipping.

 It was JongHyun's turn. " Never have I ever drunk-dialed my ex." Nico, Jung Hyon, Jin, Kai, and YJ took a drink. 

It was Bern's turn to ask a question, "Never have I ever ghosted someone." Nico and Jin took a drink. "Yah!" "That's bad, you guys," scolding Jin and Nico. You guys respect the girls, okay?

It's Jin's turn to ask a question. "Never have I ever hooked up with someone this past 3 months." All five guys took a drink. " I jokingly gave YJ a narrowed death stare when he took the drink. 

Everyone noticed that Bern and I hadn't had a drink yet.

"These ladies haven't had a drink yet. "Let's make it more interesting then," said Nico. Never have I ever liked anyone in this room. I took the soju and so did Kai, Bern, Jung Hyon, and YJ. I was surprised by Kai and wondered who he liked. I'm thinking it's probably Bern because they are the same age.

It's Kai's turn to ask, " Never have I ever had a one-night stand." All of the guys took a drink. Bern and I were aghast by their revelation.

YJ then asks a question. "Never have I ever stood up a date." All of us took a drink, and we all laughed. 

Did everyone ask questions already? Let's do "Truth or Dare" this time. I spun the bottle and it pointed to Jung Hyon. "Ok Hyoni, you took a drink earlier when someone asked about liking someone in this room. I want to ask who it is.

Noona, do I have to answer it now? I haven't confessed to that person yet.

OK, Hyoni, let's do it this way. Bern and I are the only women in this room. Is it me? I jokingly asked. 

Hyoni replied, "No. Bern's face was flushed at Jung Hyon's answer. Nico (Bern's brother) was smiling and shaking his head at the same time. 

It was Jung Hyon's turn to spin the bottle. The bottle stopped pointing at me. Kai asked the question. 

" Noona, what is your type of guy"? 

"Well, I like someone quiet, introverted, self-made, and an old soul. He has to be Asian. If he's into sports, especially basketball, then it's a plus. And also, I don't like men that are too tall, so definitely no six-footers for me. I don't want to look like a midget beside them. Maybe between 5'8 and 5'10 is good. Oh, and I don't like men who will just play around. When I enter into a relationship, I always have the long term in mind." They all looked at YJ. 

" Noona, were you describing Youngjae Hyung right now?"

"Huh ? not intentionally. "

YJ was smiling from ear to ear.

I spun the bottle after I answered the question, and the bottle stopped pointing at YJ.

I couldn't think of anything to ask YJ about, so I told the guys to ask him a question instead.

" Hyung, are you in a relationship right now?" I was stunned by Jung Hyon's question.

"Yah! Is this payback?  I asked, Jung Hyon laughed. 

"Well, Noona, are you guilty? The question is not for you, it's for YJ. " Hyung, answer the question."

And without hesitation, he answered YES, "I'm in a relationship with Nessa."

"Wow, that was quick," was Jin's remark.

I had to pull Jin aside to explain everything. " Jin, please understand that I didn't plan for all of this to happen. And please don't tell Imo about it. I beg you please, Jin. "

OK, Noona as long as you're happy. But let me know if YJ is not treating you right. I'll take care of him. "

"Oh Jin, YJ is not like David. He's different; he takes care of me".

After a few hours of drinking, everyone was tanked except for YJ and Jung Hyon. They both said that they purposely didn't want to get wasted so they could take care of Bern and me in case we got drunk. Everyone spent the night at my apartment. 

The next morning was hectic. After everyone left, YJ and I prepared for our day trip. He planned for us to go to his hometown of Daegu. I was so excited since it would be my first time going to this part of South Korea. We took the KTX and, after a few hours, we reached Daegu. His brother was waiting for us at the train station. I was surprised when he told me that we were meeting his parents and were going to his house. 

"Yah! Why didn't you tell me that we were meeting your parents? I should have at least worn nice presentable clothes. " 

"You might cancel the trip if I told you," he laughingly said. "Don't worry, Babe, they'll like you and you look good in any outfit."

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