Chapter 15- JIN AND ELISE (side chapter)

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Jin and Elise's conversation continued

" Hi Elise, I hope I'm not interrupting anything that you were doing before the video call. "

Oh no, not at all. I'm done with my shift for today, so I was about to go home. I was just waiting for my driver to pick me up when I decided to give V a call. Sorry, I know you guys call her Nessa or Noona I'll call her V instead.

"Wow, you even have a chauffeur to pick you up."

No, it's not like that, Jin. I can't drive anymore. That is why I require the services of a driver. Did V tell you about my accident? "

" No, she didn't tell me anything. Well, I wish I were there in LA right now so I could be your driver. Anyway, I hope you don't mind, but can I text you, send you messages, email you, or video call you?

" Whoa, Jin, one at a time, and yes you can send me an email, text, or video call me as long as you don't have to pay a long-distance fee for those."

"Don't worry, Elise, they're all free. So, I know you're tired, and I won't keep you

" I hope you have a wonderful night. And thank you again for meeting me".

Jin was still on cloud nine after her video call with Elise.

I went to tease Jin. "Someone's smitten by Elise"

Then Jin blurted out, "Does she have a boyfriend?"

"No, she doesn't have a boyfriend. I thought you guys talked for hours. You didn't even get to ask her about it?"

YJ chimed in, "Dang! Hyung, you're slow" and laughed.

Yah! You guys are ganging up on me. Seriously though, I need your help, Noona.

Ay! Seo Jin-a, she's not like other girls you've dated. She's someone special. And how are you going to meet her? She's in LA and you're in Seoul. 

"I don't know Noona, but I know I have to make a way to see her and talk to her "

Meanwhile, Jin and Elise's communication became constant and continued for the next few months.

Elise called me " V (Nessa), I have something to tell you Jin and I are starting to be serious. He said he's coming to LA next month to visit me. But I have a big problem. I haven't told him yet about the accident and my condition. Should I tell him before he comes over or just wait until he gets here to tell him?"

" Elise, you mean all this time you haven't said a word to Jin about your condition?"

"V(Nessa), I am starting to fall for Jin I'm afraid that he will stop communicating with me if I tell him about it. I know it's unfair to him, but I'm scared."

I tried to console Elise and told her that everything will be alright.

"Jin is a very reasonable and understanding person, I'm sure he will be okay"

"V, I'm going to Facetime Jin tonight and tell him everything once and for all. If he still wants to be with me after I tell him then good but if not I will just move on."

" Elise don't be so hard on yourself, everything will be fine. Just trust in what you and Jin have. Jin may look like he's a player but actually, he's not. I'm not defending him because he's my little brother, but I've seen how he looks at you and how attentive he is to you. He doesn't do that to other girls. So good luck tonight. Call me or text me what happened ok."

Elise facetime Jin that night. " Hi hon, how are you? Sorry that I have to call you at this time. I know it's a little early there in Seoul."

"Hi baby, I'm fine, don't worry about me. Anyway, what's the urgency about?

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