Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 1– Rebirth






Memories spin like universes. Explode like suns. Chaos becomes order.


It becomes form.

The urge to know rises from the silence, becoming a shout of being that echoes into consciousness.

There are no words. There is no language. One question resounds in the dark abyss.

Who am I?

The answer lies in dreams.

Dreams of a life still to unfold. And yet, paradoxically, a life already lived.

Faces. Places. Emotions. Events.

A collage of sounds and images drifting everywhere.

A hand reaches out. Yearning.

To hold them. Absorb them. Understand them.

But each time, the wave of understanding recedes into darkness. Each time, he is alone again.



A sense of maleness, of sexual identity forms. And with it, a surge of power that elates him, unbelievable strength.

With this strength, he reaches out again, and there is no resistance this time.

How fast he grows, weaving the web of self.

There is no time here in this dark world he inhabits, yet he seems to be moving forward with unbelievable speed.

As if rushing headlong toward an extraordinary destiny to an answer to the first question, the only question.

Who Am I?

He does not receive an answer.

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