Chapter 9

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 9– Heated Environment.


Making a giant leap from the top of the lampost, I cross across the sky and land just behind Felicia, who has crouched in front of the door so that she is at eye level with the keyhole, and she is currently busy picking it to gain access. I walk up to her, stepping around the two unconscious dudes that were knocked out in a brutal yet alluring way.

"So, uh, just remind me, Cat. What exactly is waiting for us on the other side of that door? Just so I know what to expect when we barge in and disturb a bunch of crooks, who will not be happy to see us." I ask, waiting patiently as she continues to kneel in front of the door, her rear particularly catching my eye as it is jutting out behind her.

"First of all, Spi, we are not barging in. we are slyly entering through the door. And on the other side of this door, it is very much open, with only the gun room to the left. Apart from that, many crates are stacked up around the place, but they are mainly focused on the sides and in the corners, so it is an open planned space." She speaks, not taking her eye off her work. This is taking her much longer than usual. When she was teaching me about pick locking, she could do it in around five seconds flat. These thugs must have good locks.

"So how is this slyly sneaking in then? They are going to see us as soon as we enter the room, plus there might be some more dudes guarding the door on the other side. I am all for going ham and punching some guys out, but your plan was to block them off from their weapons." The gun thing is more for her sake than mine. I would be fine even if they had guns. I do have my spider sense, after all, and can easily dodge anything they shoot at me. Her, not so much.

"Which is why I chose tonight because tonight is poker night. Every Friday, all of these scum get together and bet all of their ill-gotten cash in a game of poker. But, of course, not everyone can play. They still have to guard the place, after all. This is why the two losers from the last game who went home with the least money are the ones who have to guard the outside door, and I just took care of them. The remaining guys will be too busy playing games to see us enter." She explains. I guess she does her research before hitting a place.

"Alright, so what are we here to steal? And also, how long is it going to take you to pick that lock? I thought you were the world's best thief." I ask because I really don't know what loot we are here for or what is so valuable in this warehouse, and it really is taking her an unnatural amount of time to unlock this door.

"Well, I am here to take a few items of jewellery hidden in some crates, and you can take whatever cash is in there, take as much as you can carry and burn the rest for all I care. And for the record, I am the best thief in the world. I was done with this lock the second you touched the ground. I was just letting you get all your inane questions out before we went in. So now, let's go." She stands up and clasps the door handle. she turns her head to look at me as if asking if I am ready.

"Now, hold on a moment. Why do you get the, I am assuming, priceless jewels while I just get the cash? That doesn't seem fair. it seems like you will get the way bigger cut." I say, and of course, I know that I am just an extra pair of hands. Still, I can bet anything that those jewels will be worth a thousand times more than any cash in there will be, so I would be getting one per cent of the cut, which is way too little. My goal in all of this is to amass wealth to make my life more comfortable in the future. I want to have Donald Duck's levels of money.

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