Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 2– Chance Meeting.


I pull my mask back up over my head as I jump back up into the trees and jump through the forest and out of the cemetery, leaving the graves and, indeed, that part of my life behind as I move forward to new horizons, I still remain in the Spider-Man suit, but that is just out of necessity as I have nothing else to wear.

I plan to leave spider-man behind as well, this world only needs one spider-man, and I know just how crucial being spider-man is to Peter, so it's time I left that life behind, and if I am honest, I don't feel as much pain as I should at the prospect because of my new memories.

Coming out of the cemetery, I move in the opposite direction of the sirens, which is coincidentally in the same direction as Aunt May's house, which I don't want to even go near, afraid of the possible feelings that might erupt at being close to such a wonderful woman, I continue my method of parkouring across the buildings and sticking to the shadows knowing that there will be a lot of questions asked if two spider-men are seen in two different places.

I am now Ben Reilly which means that I have to leave everything Peter Parker at the door before I leave New York, which includes the costume. Still, I will have to keep wearing it till I find something else to wear. Still, as I ponder about the outfit, I begin to think about some critical questions about Professor Miles Warren. This costume is made of the same material as it always has been. I am still wearing the same underwear I was when I was till Peter Parker yesterday morning, which begs the question, how did The Jackal get so close to discover these things about Peter Parker?

I know that Peter wouldn't be idiotic enough to not notice if his costume was different or his underwear had suddenly changed the brand, which means that both myself and Peter were wearing the same exact items of clothing when we awoke at Shea Stadium, The Jackal knew precisely what underwear we were wearing which is a frightening thought because if he had observed us so much that he knew that then what else does he know?

I shake my head to rid myself of thoughts, knowing that those questions don't matter now that The Jackal is probably dead. At the very least, these questions aren't relevant to me anymore as they are questions for Peter. So I will leave these issues to him, just like I will leave everything else to him as well, which means I will also have to leave my appearance behind as well and to do that to the best of my abilities at this moment in time will mean that I have to dye my hair a different colour than my current brown and got some contacts or at the very least shades for my blue eyes.

Spotting a nearby convenience store, I drop down from the rooftops to the alleyway behind it and then crawl into the establishment through a small toilet window. I immediately regret it as this must be the most disgusting broken-down men's room I have ever seen.

All I can do is be thankful that the ceiling is much cleaner than the floor though that is not saying much, making sure to avoid the different shades of dark brown on the top (how is that even possible?) So I begin to lurk at the 90-degree angle above the doorway, waiting for some poor shmuck to make the mistake of coming in here and grace me with the choice of leaving.

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