Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 11– The Enforcers.


"I'll handle the guy with the 'lariat', and you go deal with those guys up there. We can't get away with that guy aiming that RPG at us, and he will draw attention to us if he keeps firing it. You are faster than me and stronger, so you handle those two, and I will take care of Montanna." Felicia says, stepping in front of me to face Montanna, the cowboy hat-wearing leader of The Enforcers, one of Wilson Fisk's various hired lackeys.

"Now, hold on there, little lady. I think you are underestimating me a little and very much overestimating yourself. A pretty little thing such as yourself isn't going to be able to handle me, and that fella over there ain't going nowhere." Montanna steps forward to meet Felicia, swinging his lasso round and round by his side, ready to throw it out to capture something.

"Right, well, you handle the dude with the lasso who still thinks it's the 60s, and I will go take care of Fancy Dan and Ox. Also, dude, learn to speak. You ain't going nowhere means I am going somewhere, which is over there to smack the idiot who thinks it is okay to fire missiles above a busy city." And saying so, I about-face and run off in the direction of the big lummox that is currently trying to reload his RPG so that he can shoot a missile at us again, but that isn't going to happen.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Montanna fling his lariat towards me, and to my surprise, that thing is actually quite fast, zipping through the air towards me so quickly that I nearly don't have time to react. Except I do have time to respond, but I don't since Felicia has already sprung into action and grabs the rope along its length and yanks on it, pulling Montanna forward, who wasn't prepared for her intervention.

However, I no longer pay attention to the going on behind me and focus on my task. Just like Felicia is focusing on her job, I need to focus on stomping both of the fools across the way. So I hop, jump and leap across the New York buildings, not bothering to limit my speed or ability since I don't want this guy to let off another explosion. One is going to bring down some heat, but it could be explained away, but another is going to bring down the big boys.

The big oaf finally seems to have managed to load his bazooka again just as I leapt off the top of the last building, and I soar through the air towards him just as he points the RPG directly at me and prepares to fire. Unfortunately for him, I am just too fast, and I manage to land on the very curb of the building. And I reach out and push the bazooka straight up into the sky just as he pulls the trigger.


And the missile explodes very high up in the sky directly above us, shadowing us from the sun in its smoke. But just for a second before it disperses, replaced by the New York smog, which is honestly not any better, and I am left staring up at Ox with my right hand tightly grasping the RPG.

"Now, that wasn't very nice, was it? If you don't know how to use this RPG responsibly, then I don't think you should have it anymore." I tighten my hold on the bazooka and pull my arm back, ripping the weapon from Ox's grasp, which I then tossed behind me onto another building entirely, ensuring that nobody was going to go get it and use it during the rest of this encounter.

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