Chapter 28

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 28– Lightning Strikes.


Walking out of the Daily Grind, I take a moment to button up my coat as it is pretty chilly today. And then I looked up, and I was at a loss for what to do. Not wanting to go home just yet, I picked a direction and decided to just walk since I had a lot on my mind. I had sorted through some stuff whilst just sitting in the shop after Jessica's outburst, but I needed a bit of a shake-up and to clear my head so that I could think properly. Not about whether or not I am going to try, because I have already decided on that, but how to do so.

Jessica's outburst about how well off I am compared to a lot of other people, including herself, actually stuck with me, and I realised I was lucky. I have been blessed with this new life in which I have powers, a genius mind and good looks, as well as nothing holding me back or constraining me from doing whatever it is I want to do. I have just been focusing on the bad when the world is really my oyster. I can be whoever I want and do whatever I want. Within reason, of course, there is still the law and superheroes around, not to mention supervillains.

So yeah, I want to go home and try and be... whatever it is that Felecia and I could be, but the question is how. How do I get on to that without it being out of the left field? I mean, I know we had a bit of a revelation when we were both hopped up on weed and high, but I can't rely on that. I mean, I know I meant at least some of what I said, but I have no idea if she actually meant it. And that's not even mentioning the plan to leave New York together.

Nope, don't do that, Ben. Don't think about that. Do not go down that road. You always get so caught up in your thoughts, fretting over saying the wrong thing and the possible consequences. You can deal with all of that shit when it needs dealing with, but for now, just focus on the moment. Just go home, and then go for it. Make your move, and just get it over with. You can't keep pussyfooting around it, and it is better to just get an answer now and deal with it than to continue letting it be an issue and distraction.

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