Chapter 17

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 17– The Crusade has Begun.


"... Batman." I slam the phone back onto the receiver, ending the conversation there.

Some might say that I was an idiot for revealing myself, not dragging the conversation out, and not trying to gather all the information I could. But the simple fact of the matter is, though I am dressed and playing the act of a superhero, I am not one. It is not my goal to stop the big criminal known as Kingpin, and I am not focused on bringing Wilson Fisk down and sending him to prison. The other heroes can take care of that like they usually do.

My one and only goal is to become a nuisance, to become a big stick that gets jammed in the cogs of the machine that is Wilson Fisk's criminal empire, to halt and destabilise all operations. So it is only to my benefit and the progress of my goal that he knows I am coming for him because that will weigh on his mind and be a little fact in his noggin that is constantly bumping around.

I have basically just come up to his big gates and started rattling on the bars with my baseball bat, screaming, little pig, little pig, let me in. I have messed up a serious business arrangement for him and depleted a source of weaponry and advancements. And all I have left him with is a name, Batman.

The fact that he called this facility minutes after it was reported, thinking that he was getting ahead of the curve, his expectation were completely overturned when I picked up the phone. No doubt he is going to look up Batman, have his men do a detailed search and get whatever eggheads he can force together to start investigating me at full force.

Well, maybe not full force, but definitely, a good amount of effort will be going into finding out everything they can about Batman. This will at least take a little bit of the heat off of Felicia, maybe. All I know is that it isn't a bad thing that I just did that. This will give Felicia and me time to try and find something to hold over Fisk's head so that he will leave Felicia and her mother alone. Guys like Fisk always have dirty closets. Either we blackmail, or we bring him down, whichever comes first.


It was around a minute or so later, after I slammed down the phone, that I suddenly heard explosions and rumbling all throughout the facility. Peeking my head over the desk from my hiding spot behind it, I can see all the AIM agents suddenly become startled and drop everything they are doing to go and pick up weaponry, already knowing of the threat that has come upon them. I watch as they all begin to run around like headless chickens before- SPIDER SENSE!!

I quickly ducked behind the desk and stayed steady, trying to avoid the danger that was rapidly approaching. I don't know what was on its way here or how dangerous it actually is, but I know that my spider sense never lies. I am not going to be an idiot like Peter and doubt it because it is my ability, and then I would be doubting myself, and I refuse to doubt myself.

"Sir, we are under attack. What are your orders-" I hear the door open, and then one of the AIM goons asks before stopping after realising there is no one inside. No doubt they came to ask for orders from their superior, who right now is passed out on the floor next to me behind the desk. I am glad I did that because, with no reason to stay, the AIM agent quickly leaves either to go find his boss or to go help fight. Either way, he is out of my hair.

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