Chapter 19

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it

Chapter 19– Justice Waits For No Man.


"So... how was your night?" Felicia asks as I finally exit my room after a long ass time, the sun is high in the sky, and I am pretty sure it is midday. I didn't even look at the time when I woke up. I just needed to go out and put some caffeine in my body to kick it into gear.

"It was... a night. I don't really want to talk about it. Is the coffee done?" I ask Felicia, who nods. I walk past the kitchen island, where she is sitting on a stool, dressed in nothing but an oversized white T-shirt that stops halfway down her thighs and eating a sandwich. I guess I am not the only one that had a hard time yesterday because it is midday, and she hasn't dressed up or left the apartment, not even a side of make-up on her face either.

"Great. So... How was your night?" I ask as I begin to pour myself some coffee, fishing for information. I know I shouldn't be getting news like this through her, but I can't help myself. We agreed when we started this little crusade of mine that Felicia would not be sharing any information with me because that would leave a trail from her to Batman attacks. Unfortunately, the Kingpin never lets anything important be known by too many, so he will have a narrow list to find the traitor from.

"It was... A night. I don't want to think about all the hoops that damn fatty is putting me through, so can we talk about something else." Felicia says, obviously having a beleaguered last night much the same as I. So I let the issue go and sat down at the kitchen island next to her and started to drink my coffee, the both of us sitting in silence aside from the sound of my sips and Felicia's munching.

"Do you have any plans for today then, Felicia? I am pretty free today, and I have decided to take a rest day." I was pretty tired from my excursion last night. It was just one thing after the other. First, I stopped the multiple crimes I came across, including the incident with the girl who was traumatised by me and went full-on Christian, and then I stopped more crimes before finally reaching the crime den where I assaulted the place.

After that, I discovered that they were transferring people somewhere, and so I tailed the shipment to a secret underground facility which I snuck into. Then I made a distraction, freed the prisoners and then went out and helped Shield defeat the AIM agents and disappeared off into the night. Only to have a little skirmish with Daredevil, which was a bit weird and then I finally came home and rested.

Man, the superhero life is tough. I mean, I have memories of doing this kind of stuff again and again as Spider-Man, nights even more tiring than this one, of fighting and fighting all night, and then coming home all bruised, battered and bleeding and sleeping it off, only to wake up the next day and do the same thing. Thankfully I am not that guy anymore because while Peter would feel the all-powering need to go out there and do it again, knowing that anything terrible happening would be happening because he decided to not go out, I don't have such an obligation.

The only reason I am even doing this superhero thing now is to help out Felicia, we have been living together for a couple months, and I would say we are even friends. And even if I am not the superhero type, I am still a man that repays his debts and looks out for those he cares about. And right now, the only person in my life that comes close to that is Felicia, so I am going to do this for her. And after everything is resolved, I will leave with my new identity and try to forge a life for myself, far away from all of this craziness.

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