Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 12– More Money, More Problems.


We are on the way back to our home now, having stashed the rocket launcher at the secret hideout. I hop, skip and leap quite quickly, following Felicia back, and while I could surpass her and speed off home, I don't do so. She as well could speed up to make the trip shorter, but she doesn't.

We are both taking our time travelling home, sticking to the shadows and leaping through the night air, enjoying the run and having fun, me trailing after her as she takes some hazardous routes and treacherous paths for me to follow. We do this sort of thing very often as we both have fun and enjoy the manoeuvres and parkour, an adrenaline rush without actually endangering ourselves.

Now, after a long run, we are finally closing in on our home. Felicia is in the lead with about fifty or so meters on me and nearing the apartment when I come to a sudden stop. Again, my spider sense was tingling, and so I immediately froze and tried to locate where the danger was coming from, but it was hard to do so since this time, the threat was much more subtle.

There is no imminent danger to my life or anything lethal about to happen to me, but there is someone dangerous in the vicinity. This person is not looking or hunting for me, but whoever this person is, they are incredibly dangerous, so much so that my spider sense is alerting me just from being within their immediate area.

I contemplate it for a moment before deciding not to worry about it. This is New York, after all, and dangerous people are around every corner, so you can't keep fretting over little things like this. If anything, I should be reassured since my spider sense is alerting me to their presence, but that is it. I am not their target, so I should be fine. I will just be a bit more cautious while travelling back to the apartment.

I continue my trek forward, and- Shit, that can't be right. I moved closer to my goal, and the alerts I was getting from my danger sense increased, not by a significant amount, but enough that it was noticeable, meaning the closer I went in that direction, the more dangerous it was. But, of course, that doesn't mean the danger has to be at our home. It could just be in that direction and be somewhere further, but when have I ever been that lucky?

I quickly bolt off towards the apartment, but just because I am in a rush, it doesn't mean that I can't be stealthy, so I run into the shadows and hide in the darkness as I move, staying hidden from whoever may be watching.

The reason for my urgency is because, in the time that I froze, shocked by the alert from my spider sense, Felicia had completed her run and arrived back at the house. Meaning that she was probably trapped in there with the cause of the danger, So I wasted no time in returning to her.

I land on the side of our building, and while the looming threat has rung even louder in my ears, there has been no actual attack on my person, even though the danger sense rises each second. Moving quickly, I enter a vent that only someone small or with powers like my own would be able to fit in, and I quickly promptly set off to get to our room.

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