Chapter 13

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 13– Reluctant Thieves.


"Alright, so let's think this out and come up with a plan, and then we can go from there." We are both now sitting in the living room on our comfy white couches, but we are not in the mood to enjoy the luxury. The Kingpin had only left a little while ago, and it was only after my danger sense had been absent for a good fifteen minutes that we left the bathroom and closed all of the blinds and curtains, preventing anybody from looking in.

After that, I pulled out one of the many gadgets I had made to help us out on our thieving escapades. It is a little detector gizmo that will search the surrounding areas for any cameras or listening devices. So I quickly and entirely silently gave the apartment a quick once over, and thankfully I found a few listening devices, which I immediately destroyed.

"A plan? What plan? He knows who I am, and he knows about my mother. If he knew where I lived, even with me using an alias, then he definitely knows where my mom is. So all we can do is follow whatever Fisk says, and then he will hopefully just leave us alone. that is the only way I can keep my mother safe." Felicia explains resignedly, having convinced herself that this is the only way and that there is nothing else to be done, but there are always options, though they may be unfavourable.

"Listen, Felicia, right now, the only thing I see that they have over us is your mother. She is the sole reason you would be listening to Fisk's commands. Otherwise, you could just ignore him. So we simply remove her from the situation. I am sure you have enough money and enough contacts that you can easily make her a new identity, just like the one you provided me. Then, we can help send her off to another country to live a whole new life, free from Fisk's clutches, and you can just keep doing what you are doing." I explained to her a simple way that we could get out of this, by getting rid of her mother.

"That is not an option. My mother is a strong, stubborn woman. She is a lawyer, after all. She will refuse to leave and prefer to stick it out, adamant about not letting a man scare her away, even a man as scary as Wilson Fisk. And even if we could convince her, what would I say? She would need a good reason to leave, which would mean I would have to reveal what I really do to her. There is no way she would be happy, and she would probably turn me in herself. So, no, we can not do this." She sighs. Clearly, she does not have a good relationship with her mother.

"Alright, clearly, that is not good for you, so let's try the other part of the problem here, which is Fisk himself. Right now, he has the luxury of dealing with you personally and making threats in person, which tells me that he is quite secure right now without many problems. The fact he didn't give you a job outright means he doesn't urgently need anything, so you are not priority number one. So we just need to move you down his list, preferably off his list, which means we need to create bigger problems for him so that he can't bother you anymore." I tell her, and I don't really like it, not only will this one take a lot more work, but Felicia's mother will still be here and still a target, which means we need to take out Fisk fully.

"And what sort of problems can we make for him? Should we burn down more of his warehouses, or maybe we can start messing with the bureaucracies of his legal businesses? Better yet, why don't we dig up some dirt on him and fight fire with fire? Then we can blackmail him and get him to leave my mother and me alone." Felicia offers up a new option, which is definitely the worst option of the bunch because blackmail is going to escalate things.

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