Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 4– Help in the Unlikeliest Place.


I am in quite a precarious situation right now though there are some who would be pretty envious of my current position since Black Cat is lying on top of me right now. I can feel her purposely pressing herself against me, which is arousing all kinds of feelings in me, but at the same time, she is currently trailing one of her claws up the length of my middle leg, which also arouses more feelings in me though these feelings are a mixed bag.

Black Cat begins to lean into me even more, and her mouth gets dangerously close to my ear. I can hear her panting right up against my ear and her hot breath on my skin as her lips get closer and closer until she stops just before contact. as usual, she is being her teasing, flirty self. However, something is different this time as I don't think she has ever threatened me in such a way before. "Hmm, you aren't the Spider. You are someone else. Just who are you?"

All other thoughts immediately leave my mind as her words register in my ears, and suddenly I no longer feel any arousal at all. Instead, I only feel extreme danger at this point in time, as I am particularly aware of her pointy sharp claw skimming along the surface of my most valuable appendage.

I know that while the Black Cat is just a thief who doesn't go out of her way, she can also be quite vicious and ruthless when she wants something, and someone is in her way, so right now, I am in legitimate danger of being made into a eunuch under this siren because I am in her way. She wants the bag of loot I hold in my hand.

"Come on, don't be ridiculous, Cat. Who else looks this good in spandex, especially in such primary colours?" Projecting confidence and trying to make a dumbass quip, like the real Spider-Man would, I try to throw this woman off the trail she has somehow found. She is supposed to be a cat and not a hound dog, so I don't understand how she clicked on to the fact that I am not Spider-Man or at least not fully Spider-Man.

Apparently, my attempt doesn't work as she just narrows her eyes at me, and her smirk somehow extends to become even more significant, if that is even possible. Then, her tongue darts out to lick her lips for just a split second before it slips back into her mouth. Again, I feel like I am in the trap f some kind of predator.

"If that is true, you must be pretty high right now because you are acting nothing like you usually would. Right now, the pure and righteous Spider would have shrivelled and died under my grasp, but you? You are rock hard like a diamond, and this kitty likes diamonds." Her hand moves faster than expected and travels downwards to cusp me. I feel a shock journey through my body as five clawed fingers surround my balls and begin to dig into them a little, sending my concern and worry through the roof and in response, without even thinking about it, one of my arms moves off their own accord and strikes out.

I hear her gasp a little, and I quickly realise what I have done. My left arm is still outstretched and holding onto the duffel bag, but my right hand has encircled her throat and is grasping it tightly. Of course, Peter would have never done this, and while I should feel some shame at the thought, all I can feel is a little happiness as it proves that I am my own person, utterly separate from Peter Parker.

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