Chapter 26

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Chapter 26– High Revelations.


"Hehe, Feleeecciiaa... Fel-eeee-shaaaaaa. What a cat-like name. It is like you were born to be a cat burglar. What's the word- ah, yes, premeditated." Ben gestures his floppy arms about as he continues to melt into the sofa. This guy is high as fuck, and he is off his head. That dopey grin on his face is definitely weird, and I have not seen such a carefree look on his face since I met him.

"No, it's not. Premeditated is you yourself pulling something off with a plan in mind. It is planned. Now, never mind that. Why the hell are you here getting high? You were supposed to be resting." Seriously, I left him this morning in bed, and he said he would be resting. But I come back, and he is in the living room smoking weed which he obviously went out to procure, and for some reason, I get the feeling he didn't pay for it and probably hunted down some criminal.

"But it is premeditated. It was planned. You were meant to be the Black Cat, and I was supposed to be Spider-Man. Except, I am not. I wasn't supposed to exist, and like a butterfly, I have flapped my wings and changed everything. Like a stone thrown into the pond, ripples have ensued, and everything has changed." What the hell is Ben on about? This weed is really bringing the existential crisis in him out. I mean, I know he is a clone, but this is some very deep stuff. I didn't know he was thinking about his existence and stuff. I should stop him, and I don't want to hear any more of this.

"Ben, what nonsense are you on about? It would help if you were resting. You have been injured, so you should rest and recover." I go back to the topic I am more comfortable with, not wanting to talk about such deep-seated issues with him. I move over closer to him to try and snag the thing from his mouth, but he just tilts his head and dodges, not even stopping in his puffing and profound conjecture.

"Exactly, I was injured. It has been done, and so I should recover. What is done is done. The stone has been thrown. The metaphorical butterfly has flapped its wings. It is too late to take it back. It is done. So why not go further? Why not do a cannonball into the lake or flap a dragon's wings? Balls to the wall." He is very much on another level than me. He is in a different dimension right now and on about some higher knowledge and existence crap, like cause and causality.

"Haah. Whatever, clearly, he is out of it." I sigh, speaking to myself since clearly this guy is not going to actually respond. But, seriously, I don't know what to do with this guy. One minute he is on the edge of death from fighting as a hero, and then the next, he is kicking back and doing some weed. Not to mention, my feelings when it comes to him, which are very contradictory and that I still don't understand much, are confusing me even further.

"Yes, I am." Ben has a moment of clarity and shoots finger guns at me, clicking his tongue at me as well and giving me a wink. And then he reaches down to his side and picks up something, and then shows it to me so I can see exactly what it is.

"Want some? It really takes the edge off. Come, come, relax and enjoy yourself with me. Put your own balls to the wall."

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