036 Condition Terminal

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Thirty Six, Condition Terminal

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Thirty Six, Condition Terminal

                 There was nothing as sad as the flavor disappearing from your gum, it was like poison slowly leaking from a snakes razor teeth — seeping into your skin like blood pumping through your veins. Luna huffed at the sudden lack of watermelon flavor in her mouth, the girl looked up from her English assignment (which was nowhere near done) — Stiles sat before her. Fully focused, tongue poking at the inside of his cheek, jaw clenched. Malia sat to the girls side, highlighting seem to be Malia's only interest to focus on. "Luna!"

    The girl jumped slightly, straightening her form as she looked around the class for the voice .. her teacher was sound asleep, all the other students engrossed in their work or their phones. "Luna, at the door!"

   Luna's eyes widened, what was this voice and why was she the only one hearing it? ... And why did it sound like Liam? "Luna, I'm at the door!" The girls gaze flickered to the opened door, a panicked look in his eyes — it was Liam. Luna raised a brow, she watched the boys lips move, his words barely heard by anyone else — but as clear as day for her. "It's Tracy, she's here and throwing up silver .. you guys gotta go." The girls eyes widened, heart dropping — and at the sudden drop Malia's head snapped towards the girl. "..What's wrong?"

   Luna stood, quickly snatching up her things .. catching the attention of other students who weren't already staring at the girl that had been murder only before summer. Malia's eyes widened, "what — what is it?" Stiles' turned, gaze switching between the two girls — confused as ever. "What's wrong? Lu?"

   "Tracy, she's here." It was all the two needed to hear to go flying out of their seats as well — they met Scott in the hall, Tracy out cold in his arms. She looked kind of dead.. "We have to get her to Deaton, now." Luna frowned at the silver substance around the girls mouth, skin pale and damp with sweat, feet bare and as dirty as underneath school desks. "What the hell happened?"

    "She just showed up, she was really freaked out. Said something like they're all coming for us?"

    "Oh — that isn't unsettling at all."

     Luna and Scott both peered down at the girl, Deaton examining the girl. "Pupils dilate under normal conditions. Heart rate is 250. Evidence of an allogeneic skin graft on the right shoulder. Now, this silvery substance at her lips is not something I've seen. It — It almost looks like mercury."

   The girl seem to shake, everyone taking a step back. "Uh.."

    "Can't you just give her a shot of something?" Luna's eyes flickered to Malia. "She doesn't look to be in any pain..?" Malia huffed, "I meant a shot to kill her." All eyes flickered to the Werecoyote, Stiles sighing in defeat, Scott raising a brow, Luna rolling her eyes as she gently pushed back Tracy's damp curtain bangs. "I generally prescribe to a code of ethics that frowns on such measures."

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