A Demon and His Brit. ((Demon!America x Human!England.))

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Alfred grinned, looking at his list of humans. As a demon, he lived off of human souls and every so often, would have to travel to the Human World to claim a soul. He quite enjoyed it. Hearing the screams of suffering, pathetic humans made him feel powerful. That's one reason why he's The Demon King. Other demons offer to go to the Human World and bring back souls for him, but he always refuse. He liked to go to the Human World and see how much it had changed. Every time he went there, the humans created something new. He wondered what new inventions they have made now. He smirked when he saw a name that stood out to him; 'Arthur Kirkland'

He went to where the Human World and the Demon World met. It was a spiral staircase in the centre of the Demon World that led to up to the Human World. As far as Alfred knew, humans couldn't come to the Demon World and if they did, they wouldn't last long. The demons would kill him they second he arrived. Alfred glanced at the list again and studied the information.

'Arthur Kirkland, 19. London, England.'

"Looks like I'm going to England... It's been a while." Alfred shoved the list into his jacket pocket and started to ascend up the steps. The street lights flickered on when Arthur turned a corner in the street, on his way home from college. His classes finished a while ago but every chance he got, he studied a book at the library. He believed in magick and demons and this book was perfect for him. It was an ancient book that explained demons, spells and dark creatures. It was so old that the pages had become stained and ripped also it was written in Latin. This wasn't a problem for the Brit. He studied Latin in collage and he had a real interest in it. The thing that interested him the most about the book was the chapters on demons. It read that demons would come to the Human World and feed off of human souls. They also have strange powers like controlling combustion and super strenght. It also mentioned that demons were hideous monsters and would kill a human on first encounter. Arthur always wanted to see a demon. He studied a few spells on how to summon demons but he couldn't find out what the last and most important part was. '... Something that Demon holds dear...'

He had everything else perfect from the symbol used and the words to the spell but nothing would ever happen. Just then the street lights turned off. The moon was the only source of light but it didn't provide much. A chill ran down Arthur's spine when he saw a dark figure ahead. Arthur walked slowly. As Arthur got closer to the figure, one light turned on the light directly over himself and the figure. Arthur jumped when he saw what it was. It was... a demon??

"Hmm... cute. " The demon said smirking.

"Wh-what are you!? A-are you a.... a Demon!?"

"Yeah... Are you scared?" The demon started to walk towards the Brit. Arthur took a deep breath.

".... N-no..." He spoke calmly.

The demon stopped just in front of him. It was too close for Arthur's liking. "Really? You're not scared of the Demon King?" Arthur looked into the demons eyes. They were the only colour the demon had. His hair was jet black with a piece of hair that stood up on his right side, his clothes were dark, he had dark wings and a tail and horns grew from his head. The demon smiled reveling his vampire like fangs. Arthur tried to speak calmly.

"Y-you're not a demon.... the book says that em... that demons... look different..."

"There's a book? What exactly does it describe us as?"

"Well its says that em... demons are.... hideous monsters and just the sight of them would make anyone go running..." Arthur blushed slightly. He didn't expect the demon to be so beautiful.

"So what?... you think I'm cute?" The demon grinned. Arthur's face went another shade darker. "I didn't bloody say that!" He was starting to get pissed off.

The demon stood there grinning. "No need to get angry... I can tell you think I'm cute. No need to hide your sexuality-" "I'm not bloody gay!"

The demon laughed. "Okay okay! You don't have to get angry!... wow youre not like any other human I've met before. If you were, I would of killed you already. Arthur was shocked but thankful he hasn't been killed... yet.

"H-how am I different?"

"Well you talk back, even to me also you seem interested in Demons"

"What.... are you dong here...?"

"I'm here to kill you and take your soul." The Brits eyes widened but it came as no surprise. He read that demons come to the Human World to take souls and cause chaos. The demon smirked. "Cute... you look scared"

Arthur sighed and replied. " If it's the fate I must endure then... Then there's nothing i can do." Arthur looked down sadly... knowing these would be his last few moments on this Earth. -


Thank you so much for reading! xD Hopefully more will be up soon~. I will also explaine what the demon king is later, its not the devil anyway. Hope you like ot and thanks again! I dont own hetalia. sadly ;-;

A Demon and His Brit. ((Demon!America x Human!England.))Where stories live. Discover now