A Demon and His Brit: "I promise"

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Music class wasn't exactly the most exciting thing they could be doing but at least it was some bit enjoyable. Even Arthur found it just the slightest bit amusing. The other classes dragged on, as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. And surprisingly, Alfred didn't do anything stupid. But he did tease Arthur to the point where the Brit had to hit him upside the head several times when the teacher wasn't looking. Alfred just smiled as a reply. He found it rather funny.

Lunch finally came. Alfred and Arthur made their way to the pond. "Hey, Artie? What do you think about Antonio and Gilbert?" Alfred asked. He wasn't too keen about getting close to them, incase something bad were to happen.

"I told you a hundred bloody times not to call me that! And I don't god damn know!" The Brit didn't want to give a straight answer. He didn't really know the two that well, anyway.

"Awh, why dude?" The Demon ruffled Arthur's hair again, grinning like an idiot, as usual. A small blush spread across the Brits cheeks as he slap Alfred's hand away, giving him a warning glare.

Alfred smirked, grabbing Arthur's wrist and with one hand, while using the other to play with the Brits blonde hair.

"What is it with you and touching my hair?!" Arthur shouted, using his free hand to try and push Alfred away. Of course, it didn't work and Alfred grabbed Arthur's other wrist, still smirking.

"Because I can."

And again, Arthur could feel his face burn. That annoying heat that spread across the Brits cheeks was settling to comfortably on his face. This time he decided not to fight the blush as he wanted to find a better outcome, one that doesn't leave him blushing even more like an idiot. "Well, Alfred, I told you to stop touching my hair. How would you like it if I just started playing with your hair just out of the blue. You'd probably punch me. Oh no, wait its you were talking about, you'd probably think it's alright. I will tell you now that its not okay to just go and play with someone's hair randomly. Now, I'll give you one last chance. Stop fucking trying to touch my hair and let go of my god damn wrists now."

Alfred just stared at Arthur, he wasn't expecting that as a response. He was expecting the Brit to start punching him and shouting words that made no sense. Basically, he he didn't think that Arthur would be so.. Calm and serious.

Alfred slowly let go of his friends' wrists and shrugged, looking ahead into the beautiful, crystal pond. Arthur just looked up at Alfred, confused that the loud mouth 'American' had nothing else to say. "So what? That's it? " Arthur asked, wanting something more than a simple shoulder movement. Alfred shrugged again, not taking his eyes off the water.

"Don't. Just don't." The brit was getting more and more annoyed.

"Don't what?"

"Don't just fucking shrug your shoulders at me. And will you freaking at least look at me when I'm talking!?"

And again, Alfred shrugged.

Arthur sighed as his brows furrowed on their own. He stood up and walk away. He didn't know where he was going. He just wanted to be somewhere else.

Arthur felt ever so slightly better as he found himself walking towards the library. He opened the door. It was abandoned as it usually was. He sat in his usual spot and opened his school bag and retrieved his grimoire. This was HIS grimoire, not the library's. He liked it quite a bit but it was not as informative or useful as the one here in the library.

He flicked through a few pages, spending time looking at the ones he liked the best, admiring the artistic drawings placed into the book. He stopped on a certain page, one he had never seen before. He was sure he had read every letter the book had to offer.

A Demon and His Brit. ((Demon!America x Human!England.))Where stories live. Discover now