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     Arthur was making a fool out of himself. Here was someone he was trying to impress and yet he'd managed to somewhat breakdown and hug this giant goof of a demon. Sure he'd hug him sometime but only when Alfred was asking for the hug, not him. This just makes him seem vulnerable and like he actually cared, which he did but wouldn't say. At least he had the shock as an excuse.

The Brit gave an awkward cough before retreating his arms, taking a step back. Alfred looked down at him, but he refused to look back. The demons arms slowly loosened around him before resting at their owners sides. He guessed it was the Brits 'no hugging for a long time' rule.

"All better?" Alfred asked, genuinely wanting to know.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Arthur raised a warning brow at him, hinting to drop the subject.

"Dunno man, you sorta freaked. Also that heartbeat thing. That wasn't a normal human thing and even I could tell that."

The human rolled his eyes, turning to face in a different direction and busy himself with aimlessly moving picture frames, ornaments and paper around on a desk to distract himself. "It was nothing. I just wanted to see if you could really do it."

"I can do everything a human can do, I guess. But unlike humans heartbeats and breathing, I have to consciously make an effort to do it." Alfred made himself comfortable on a small chair beside the desk Arthur was occupied with, crouching slightly and with an elbow on his knee.

"That's good to know, I suppose... What about the... other two we have yet to deal with?" Arthur stopped for a moment to concentrate on the being next to him

"Fran and Gil? Eh, they're really weak so don't worry about it so much. I doubt they'd be showing up anytime soon. If they go back to the demon world well, they wont last long. If they try to stay in this one they'll last even shorter because I'll hunt them down and leave them out to dry, maybe turn them into taxidermy. "

There was a few moments of silent yet seemingly violent feel to the air. Everything was still; even time seemed like it was too afraid to travel on- until one dared to speak and break this timeless moment.

"It would have been worse if I wasn't here." Alfred mumbled.

Arthur looked over at him. "What do you mean? If you weren't here then they would have stayed 'human', at least to me."

"They really wouldn't. They'd come after you and kill you. They sent Antonio out on his own to see if I was watching over you. I'm guessing they were expecting him to escape."

"Why would they be after me even if you were't here, why me?"

"I'll explain later." Alfred stood up and started to walk away.

"You'll explain NOW, bastard." Arthur growled, grabbing Alfred's shoulder to stop him.

The demon froze for a moment, becoming tense before replying; "No. I'll explain later." He spoke in a low tone and turned just to have one eye on Arthur. His brow was furrowed, and his pupil was thin and elongated, similar to one of a cat's. Arthur was reminded of just what exactly Alfred is; a demon, a monster. He quickly removed his hand and let Alfred move forward, out of the room, out of the apartment and out of sight. No matter how much Arthur wanted to, he wouldn't be able to make the demon do anything. He couldn't control him, but he could control every minute detail about his own life, and this fact terrified the Brit to the very core.



ayyy so quick interludes of upd8s i think just dunno anymore

and art by an absolute babe Nicole Dollanganger pls check her out on youtube and bandcamp 

A Demon and His Brit. ((Demon!America x Human!England.))Where stories live. Discover now