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I fucking hate using that word.

If you support a story that romanticise an abusive relationship with rape in it, you are indirectly supporting rape. Ask victims (dont) how they'd feel about the story other than assume its fine.
And yes I'm talking about killing stalking.

Its hard enough as a man who has been raped to be taken seriously about it all. The fact that kids are thinking its okay because its "yaoi" is disgusting. The amount of sick little girls obsessed with yaoi is also disgusting. Bc u know, gay people exist.

Fair enough having it in a story to "enhance" it (but that trope needs to die I can't even see a movie without seeing it and trying to kill myself jfc) but when it is the whole plot and the fandom thinks its ok and good and sexy because SOMEONE IS BEING KEPT AGAINST THEIR WILL AND IS BEING FORCED INTO SEX OTHERWISE THE ABUSER WILL KILL THEM is not okay. Stop romanticising abuse and rape. You wouldn't want to see it if it happened to you. Think about the people who have fought to get out of those relationships only to see how romanticised it is on tumblr and the internet by 13 year old girls.

A Demon and His Brit. ((Demon!America x Human!England.))Where stories live. Discover now