A Demon and His Brit: the Truth

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"So what part of the book do you want me to read first?" Arthur asked taking a seat beside Alfred and placing the book on the table.

"Oh em... Is there a part about demons? ... I just think they're interesting."

Arthur thought this was suspicious that the boy he thought was a demon, wanted to hear about demons. But he continued with Alfred's request. Arthur opened the book and started turning pages, knowing exactly what page the chapter about demons started on.

"To be honest I prefer the chapter about demons to anything else in this book." Arthur said, turning a few more pages.

"Really dude? I think they're cool! Wow who knew I would find someone who thinks the same?!"

Arthur smiled, stopping on a page. "Do you want me to read all of it or just the important or most interesting parts?"

"All of it if you don't mind." Alfred smiled.

"Sure." Arthur began to read the long introduction, simplifying it for the American.

"Demons are hideous beasts who feed off of the blood of humans. The Devil is their leader and demons will do whatever He says. They can sometimes take a human form but since the aren't human nor anything like humans, they have horrible goat like horns a tail and wings..." Arthur paused for a moment thinking back about the Demon before. "... They do not feel any emotions such as love, fear or forgiveness. All they feel is the pleasure in killing innocent humans. Any human who encounters a demon is sure to die. There is a way to summon a demon but be warned. No one has or will survive an encounter with such a beast... To summon a demon you must have' The Devils' pentagram drawn on with human blood in a completely dark room with absolutely no light. A heart from any animal e.g a cow or sheep, five unlit candles at each corner of the pentagram and... Something that demon holds dear..."

"Hm... I can't believe they got so much wrong." Alfred said looking down at the book.

"What? What do you mean?" Arthur grew more suspicious.

"Well firstly we-demons!!... Don't feed off of human blood. Just the souls of humans. But they can drink blood too but they can't live forever on it. The Devil isn't exactly their leader. The Demon King is in charge of the demons and he's just basically looking after them for The Devil. Demons can take human form so they can look exactly like a human but their true form is what's in the book. And someone has survived an encounter with one. And the rest is pretty much accurate."

Arthur could feel his jaw drop. "... Amazing... How do you know so much?"

Alfred smirked. "I have my ways."

"Seriously! Don't mess around! It's bloody important!"

"Okay okay I had a book about them, Kay?"

"... Wow... I think this is all making sense now..."

"Hm? What is?..."

"...demons..." Arthur smiled. " I can't believe it..."

"Dude you alright?... You can't believe what?"

"... I saw a demon last night..."

"Really?" Alfred looked surprised.

"...You don't need to hide the act... I know you're the Demon..."

"What?! What're you talking about?!"

"I saw a demon who looked exactly like you... And what you said... It all just fell into place confirming to me that you're the Demon from last night!"

Alfred smirked, knowing he couldn't hide it anymore. "Do you really think this is the best place to talk about it?"

Arthur sighed. "Fine we'll find somewhere else... But first answer me this... Are you the Demon from last night?"

Alfred's smirk grew. "... Maybe..."

"Can you just bloody answer me?!"

"Look dude I would rather not talk about it here."

Arthur sighed again. He knew no matter what he did or say, Alfred wouldn't tell him. "I have an apartment not too far from here."

"Alright I'll meet you there after school then" Alfred stood up picked up his bag and started to walk towards the door.

"Wait! You don't know where I live! And aren't you going to class?!" Arthur said standing up.

"Na I don't need to go to class. And I'll find out don't you worry." Alfred winked before opening the library door and closing it behind him.

"Wait!" Arthur grabbed his bag and ran to the door, swinging open to find that Alfred had disappeared. He couldn't see anyone. No one could of ran off to hide that quickly.

"He must be a demon..." Arthur said to himself as the bell rang.


Meow~ again sorry about this sheet. I wrote it at 2am last night then 2am this night I actually wrote it in wattpad. x3 wooooo Alfred's the demon!! *nosebleed*

So emm there's going to probably be a sad twist to the story probably in the next chapter or two. And yeah just.... Get your tissues ready. I won't spoil it for you though~ (( I'm evil ._.))

Thank you so much I luffles you all!! Xxx

A Demon and His Brit. ((Demon!America x Human!England.))Where stories live. Discover now