Morning after.

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          Arthur felt like his sleep was far too short. He gave a hoarse cough and noticed how his dry throat tasted of cheap imported tobacco, with a small hint of vomit. It took him a lot of effort to open his eyes and sit up, forgetting about his roommate altogether. The one thing on his mind right now was how much he needed to pee.

          Alfred noticed the rather clumsy steps of his friend and got up to pour out some coffee he had made for Arthur's awakening. He thought of it as a kind gesture, partially to say "hey, I'm sorry for disappearing." While also saying "I'm sorry for your hangover."

          The Brit stayed a little too long in the bathroom, trying to compose himself and establish his thoughts. The feelings from the night before still lingered. The feeling of long since fading from their eyes. But when has this feeling ever truly disappeared. Alfred waited patiently, knowing that his arrival wasn't exactly welcomed with open arms. He had to explain himself and his absence, explain why he's scared. The thought of confronting with these feelings wasn't enjoyable, but how could he be scared of this? He's dealt with so much more over his eons of years living, yet telling the truth seemed like the only thing that could kill him.

           Arthur emerged from the washroom, his eyes puffy and red like he was holding back tears. His expression was soft and delicate. He gave a faint nod at Alfred, hesitantly picking up the coffee and setting it on the bar table before lifting himself up onto the chair, his legs curled up under him. His look was vacant, but his mind wondered aimlessly, tormenting any peace at mind he might still have.

          There was a long, unwanted silence before Alfred stored up the courage to speak a few words. "How are you?"
Arthur felt insulted. This was the first thing he had to say to him after leaving without a word? His sour reaction must have been obvious by Alfred's reaction. The demon quickly interrupted, speaking a little too fast. It seemed that all the fun and silliness Alfred was fond of had vanished.

"I didn't want to go, not really. It was what I had to do for the better outcome. It's hard to explain, let alone to a human--"

Is this what Alfred thought he was, just another human?

"I get this feeling that I have to do something otherwise something bad will happen. It sounds stupid now that I've said it out loud. Think of it as a pretty shit way of telling the future, but with even shittier outcomes."

Arthur guessed he could believe that. "What were you avoiding?"

"You see, I don't know. I don't even understand it fully. I've never gone against the feeling, I just can't. Please trust me."

"You expect me to trust you just for some bullshit made up story? Claiming its your 'demon shit' and that I won't understand? Alfred, you must be taking my life as a fucking joke! Why didn't you just leave me?"

"Arthur, please just please trust me-"

"I am NOT trusting you! I'm not going to trust some murderous, vicious scum like you!" The Brit jumped up in anger, the coffee spilling over, scalding his hand although he could barely notice. " Do you think this is fair?! You playing with my fucking life, and I have no say in it! You just- you just fucking suck me dry! I've never felt like this since my mother died--"

"ARTHUR SHUT UP". Alfred snapped, his truer form now starting to invade his disguise. His thick, dark, curled horns now visible, his monstrous fangs peeking out of the corner of his mouth, his pointed ears visible from his pitch black hair. The air turned to ice. Arthur was petrified. One wrong move and the demon would skin off his flesh, cut through his bones, split his ribs open using his bare hands. Arthur had to remember that he was only built of milk and flesh, while this thing standing before him was nothing more than a hungry, bloodthirsty incubus. And a starving animal will always feed, God as his witness he'll smile, as he watches his bones will slide between its teeth.



I once fell off of my garage while trying to stargaze

I once fell off of my garage while trying to stargaze

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A Demon and His Brit. ((Demon!America x Human!England.))Where stories live. Discover now