A Demon and His Brit: Dreams?

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"Your'e quite brave" The Demon smirked.

"C-can you kill me already?... I don't want to wait any longer."

The Demon grabbed Arthur's shoulders and pinned him to the wall. Arthur knew his time was up.He knew he was going to be killed by a demon. The Demon smiled and leaned in close. Athur's eyes widened when he felt something pressed against his lips. He could feel The Demons lips against his own. The Demons tongue in his mouth. The Demons sharp fangs that cut his lower lip. He closed his eyes, as their mouths melted together.

The Brit shot open his eyes. He slowly sat up and rubbed the back of his head before stretching his arms and yawning.

"A dream..."

But the dream felt so real. It wasn't like any other dream he had before. He decided to forget about it and start the day. He put on his normal school uniform. The school he went to wasn't like an average school. His school, Green Wood College, was a quite expensive private school. It was perfect for Arthur. It was the biggest secondary school in England and claimed to be the best. Everyone knew about it. It was just called 'the college' for short. The uniform was a white shirt, dark blue sweater (with the schools crest), a dark green tie, black shoes and cream or green tartin trousers. Most of the student's hated it.Arthur was actually a very important student in the school. Not only was he one of the smartest but he was head student. It was basically a prefect for the whole school.

Arthur grabbed his backpack and hurried outside. It took him no time at all to arrive at the place where the demon, in his dream, was standing. He sighed, trying to forget about it but decided to take a moment to figure out what actually happened.

'okay...' he thought to himself. 'Demons in dreams mean that something is draining me or makinf me tired right?... No wait thats vampires..' He tried to remember a book on dreams he had read a while back but found no luck. 'Demons... Is something haunting me? ... No thats ghosts.... He said he was the Demon King... Isn't that just the Devil? And why did he... why did he kiss me? This dosen't make any sense.'

He stopped thinking about it when he got to the entrance of his school. He walked past the large gates and started to head for the office building. The office building was at the very centre of the school and it took a while to walk there. It was where the headmasters office was and all the other rooms to do with teachers.

"Morning" Arthur said smiling at the receptionist he met every morning, five days a week, since he was 12, apart from holidays of course.

"Morning, Arthur!" She said returning the smile. " Mr. Woods would like to talk to you. Somthing about a new student. Anyway go right on it he should be in his office."

"Alright, thank you!" Arthut walked down a narrow hall where the principles office was. He stood outside the door for a moment before knocing. "Sir" he said opening the door " You wanted to see me, Sir?"

"Oh yes, Kirkland! Just stand there it won't take long."

The principle, Mr. Woods, was a tall man, probably hitting fifty and a little on the heavy side but he was young in spirit and Arthur quite liked him.

"There's a new student coming. His name is Alfred Jones. He came here from America and will be attending this school for a while. Would you mind showing him around?"

Arthur smiled. "You can count on me sir!"

The principle nodded and smiled . "He should be in class room thirty two in section B"

Arthur nodded and walked out. He started to make his way yo section B.

Luckily it wasn't far. The school was so big they decided to make sections A,B,C and D. Since the reception was right in the middle, section B was basically next door.

Arthur ran up the stairs and checked his watch. 8:15 am. Classes didn't start until 9am so he had plenty of time to show the new student around.

He reaches room 32 in no time. He opened the door.

He couldn't believe what he saw.


Yey~ I'm sorry this took forever! I'm starting to do it on my phone and its confusing. Anyway hope you like it and thanks! ^J^

A Demon and His Brit. ((Demon!America x Human!England.))Where stories live. Discover now