Never walk home alone.

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Arthur set out to find clothing for his new friend. He arrived at Primark a short time after leaving his apartment, before heading inside and into the men's section on the second floor. Primark was the number one place to buy good quality clothes in the U.K. Although, some of the clothing Arthur didn't like.
After nearly spending three quarters of an hour debating with himself over what shirts would look good on Alfred, he decided to go for a plain navy t-shirt, a grey t-shirt, and well, just t-shirts in various different colours. While he was there he decided to get Alfred some jeans as well, buying three pairs that were, let's say' a little on the tight side, just the way Arthur liked them.

He started to make his way back home after buying the clothes, noticing how dark and chilly it had become. This darkness wasn't usual, it was different, more mysterious. This darkness was more so a curtain, one which no one could see through. It felt more intense than usual, but Arthur must have been over thinking it.

Arthur couldn't find another living soul around, despite it being a quite busy time of the day. The Brit felt uneasy, listening, looking, sensing for someone, something to just pop out and scared the absolute bollocks off of him. It would be the perfect time, although he hoped that it wouldn't happened. 'Expect the worst. If it happens it won't be suck a shock. But it will be and you know it. '

He moved it it to the back of his head, trying to armour himself with psychological detachment. It helped when he imagined that he was watching himself on television far away from this reality, and that this feeling was only acting.
But this was the real world. He was a living human on a rock suspended in the black void called space, just waiting to die.

Suddenly, the cold dead wind caught him like a knife to the back, monotonous, sung by a being with no heart and no lungs.

Something wasn't right. Something really wasn't okay. He could sense it. He could feel the anxiety and stress rise within him.

It was then where he suddenly saw a figure standing in front of him. It took him oh too long to figure out who it was.

"Oh thank fuck it's just you Antonio, you had me worried"

There was no response from the Spaniards side.

"What are you doing out anyway? You meeting up with someone?"

"Cut the chit chat friend, we both know what's going on." Antonio's face was too unfamiliarly serious. Arthur didn't like it one bit.

"What are you talking about? What's going on?"



"You're hideous new demon pal."

Arthur's felt numb, and the cold wind didn't help. His mask, his secret that he's been hiding. How did Antonio of all people know?

"How... How did you-"

"Enough with the stupid questions. We knew you leaned towards the more magick side of things. That's why we liked you so much. That's why we connected. You knew there was something different about us and yet you weren't scared about exploring this unknown difference."

The Brit took a step back, preparing himself to flee at any moment. "just what exactly are you?"

The Spaniard grew a disturbing grin on his lips. "That's for you to find out, isn't it? You're a witch, right? I thought you knew everything about us?... I guess not. Oh well, it's a shame this has to be done. You weren't actually half bad. You just shouldn't have messed with something so dangerous as that monster you brought into the world of the living."

The Brit knew this was it. Everything moved slowly. It felt like a lifetime yet it was only a split second. He saw his friend, or the being pretending to be his friend sprint towards him at an abnormal speed. Arthur ducked down, letting out a loud, barely understandable "No!"
He closed his eyes tight and waited.
And waited.

This split second was lasting a lot longer than it was suppose to, even if it felt like time was slowing down in his mind.

He managed to open an eye, seeing a dark figure standing over him. It took him a moment before his eye managed to focus.


Fashionably late as usual.
Sorry guys motivation and etc. I'm not going to continue making up excuses.

But damn this got a lot more serious than man boobs ( I'm calling them mreasts rn)

Idk if I should continue this, Hetalia isn't one of my favourite things at the moment, I might even go as far as to say I despise it. It brings back some memories I would rather forget. But I suppose it's good if I explore these memories in my own way and this story kind of ties in with my religion and beliefs and so

Idek what I was trying to get at there.

I started this story in my head when I was 11 and I'm 16 now I feel so old

Anyway, sorry it's late.

A Demon and His Brit. ((Demon!America x Human!England.))Where stories live. Discover now