A strange vessel

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          There was a pause of silence. Alfred began fumbling with his clothing, while Arthur set a stone splitting glare towards him, raising a thick brow, hoping for some good news.

"Well-" The demon began to speak after sharing eye contact with the Brit "See she wasn't exactly unknown to us."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Arthur was flustered and confused. He never knew much about his mother, he was expecting maybe her maiden name, her place of birth, but not that demons and beings from the other side KNEW her.

"She was very talented in many aspects related to that bullshit involving your grimoires and religious beliefs. And I guess she must have passed it on to you. " It wasn't gone unnoticed that Alfred was acting strange, awkward. 

"Did you... know mum?" Arthur managed to calm down enough, speaking softly. He didn't want to admit it but he felt like he needed to know his mother- and that contacting the dead and dabbling with magick was a way to find more about her; and he was right it seemed. 

"Well, sorta. I knew of her." He gave a small shrug as if it was nothing to him, but it was obvious that Arthur was getting emotional. 

"What was she like? How old was she? Did she talk about dad or anyone she knew? What type of person was she? Who knew h-" 

Alfred quickly cut the human off, knowing he couldn't answer all those questions, and knowing this wasn't good for them both. "Hold on mate you're going ninety I don't even have time to process any of this. I think we should just sit down and forget about it for a moment, don't you think? Your adrenaline must be kicking in after the initial freeze of the shock over what happened."

"No I want to know what happened to her I want to remember her I want-..." Arthur went quiet for a moment, feeling his heart beating in the back of his throat. It was calming, in a way. Following and timing the beat of his blood under pressure. A steady bag of muscle trapped inside a cage called a chest that transported blood all around his body. Its really amazing how the blood and the heart keeps humans alive. That this cardiac muscle never becomes tired, working when we're not. Only in death will it stop.
"Do you have a heartbeat?"

The demon was confused to say the least. It was probably the last thing he'd expect to come out of Arthur's mouth, but he played along with it. "Naturally, no. But I can make it beat myself if I push the blood around and start a beat. I do it usually when I'm conscious someone's going to touch me so it doesn't seem odd." 

"Can I feel it?"  He doesn't know why he was so forward with the question- or why he asked it in the first place. He could say he wanted to feel it just to know he wasn't lying, but really he needed another beating and, somewhat, living thing against him since he never really had that with his mother, and he wasn't ever close enough to people to do it. 

Alfred was only getting more confused as he thought about the question and tried to dissect its meaning, so he chose not to. He nodded and began the easy work of moving the blood around his body at a steady, relaxed rate.  Arthur raised his hand to the others' chest, pressing softly against the fabric of his clothes. He wasn't lying- there was a definite heartbeat. Though his body felt cold it was as human as he was going to get right now, so he went with it. Arthur swiftly pulled himself into Alfred's chest, making an excuse in his mind that he couldn't feel the beat. It took Alfred a moment before he put his arms loosely around the other and made his heart beat more intense without changing the rhythm. Arthur was a sucker for the flesh of all things rancid and delicate. 

Fashionably late, and some excuses after followed by an apology. 
But hey first sorta fluffy sad stuff ayyy

Also can I get a lil feeling if I am going to let them have a relationship (haven't decided yet) would you want them to have sex? I'm not comfortable with sex for personal reasons but i suppose I'll be in the mood to write it one day.

Also main reason I haven't updated; I have better things to do 

lmao can you see me progressin as a writer? not really.


A Demon and His Brit. ((Demon!America x Human!England.))Where stories live. Discover now